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wear a mask(wears a mask中文翻译,wears a mask是什么意思,wears a mask发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

wear a mask(wears a mask中文翻译,wears a mask是什么意思,wears a mask发音、用法及例句)

wears a mask

wears a mask发音

英:  美:

wears a mask中文意思翻译



wears a mask双语使用场景

1、It wears a mask of democracy while prefers to rape people. It enjoys hegemony but peace.───它戴着民主的面具却强奸民意,它崇尚霸权而不是和平。

2、kid wears a mask?───小孩子会戴口罩吗?

3、He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it.───就好象他戴了副面具,慢慢他的脸就长得和这幅面具严丝合缝了。

4、One who wears a mask , especially a participant in a masquerade or masque .───戴面具的人戴面具的人,尤指假面舞会参加者。

5、He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it. I had got to shoot the elephant.───他戴着面具,日子长了以后,他的脸按照面具长了起来,与面具吻合无间了。

6、A baseball umpire wears a mask and chest protector so he won't run the risk of being hit by the ball.───棒球裁判戴着面具和胸护,以免遭球击。

7、Today, players wear special clothes to protect their bodies. The player near the goal wears a mask to protect his face.───现在,人们玩冰球时都会穿上特殊的衣服保护自己,守门员也会戴上面罩保护自己的脸。

8、Unreal one section film. A extraterrestrial being wears a mask, eats beef, will be invisible.───一部科幻**。一个外星人戴面具,吃牛肉,会隐形。

wears a mask相似词语短语

1、leave a mark───留下记号

2、wear a mask───戴面罩

3、wears away───磨损;消磨;流逝

4、death mask───死人面部模型

5、gas mask───防毒面具,毒气面具

6、wear a hat───戴帽子


8、wear a cape───穿斗篷

9、begin a task───开始一项任务


I'm the girl who wears a white mask.另外不存在“澳大利亚语”,澳大利亚是英语国家

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