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remaining time中文翻译,remaining time是什么意思,remaining time发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

remaining time中文翻译,remaining time是什么意思,remaining time发音、用法及例句

remaining time

remaining time发音

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remaining time中文意思翻译



remaining time双语使用场景

1、Sometimes the remaining time is calculated for you.───有时候,剩余时间已经计算好显示在那里了。

2、If a task did not use all of its time slice, then half of the remaining time slice was added to the new time slice to allow it to execute longer in the next epoch.───如果某个任务没有使用其所有的时间切片,那么剩余时间切片的一半将被添加到新时间切片使其在下个epoch中可以执行更长时间。

3、Use of the remaining time is at the GC's discretion: it can be allotted to the application or it can be used by the GC.───剩余时间的使用由 GC 决定:可以分配给应用程序也可以由 GC 使用。

4、Your remaining time on Earth will bridge the gap between where you are now, and would have been but for the actions of the Illuminate.───要不是因为光明会的行动,你们剩下的在地球上的时间将架设在你现在所在和将会去的地方之间的桥梁。

5、But Mr Chen pledged to put constitutional change at the centre of the agenda for his remaining time in office.───但陈水扁保证,将把修宪作为其剩余任期内的中心工作。

6、You can easily hide this window and quickly re-open it to check your remaining time as well.───你可以简单的隐藏这个窗口,也可以快速重新打开来检查提醒时间。

7、He refused chemotherapy because he knew it would make him feel worse and he wanted his remaining time to be as comfortable as possible.───他拒绝化疗,因为他知道这会使他更加痛苦,而他希望自己生命的最后时光尽可能地舒适。

8、Only then can you know your remaining time balance.───只有通过这种方法你才能认识到你的时间余额。

9、Then, he will be all the remaining time to his wife and his beloved twin daughters.───然后,他会把剩下的时间全部交给他的妻子和他可爱的双胞胎女儿。

remaining time相似词语短语

1、driving time───班车时间;驱动时间;驾驭时间

2、feeding time───供料时间;喂养时间

3、waiting time───[计][通信]等待时间;待命时间;停工时间

4、machine time───n.电脑时间;机器运转时间

5、running time───运行时间;执行期间

6、remaining games───剩余游戏

7、commuting time───通勤时间




remaining是现在分词形式,通常可以用于进行时。或者非谓语,表达主动。以及介词后面。例如,the book looks new,and someone has left it, remaining the cover.这本书看起来很新,有人把他留在这儿,并且把封面保留下来了。


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