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bipolar disorder中文翻译,bipolar disorder是什么意思,bipolar disorder发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

bipolar disorder中文翻译,bipolar disorder是什么意思,bipolar disorder发音、用法及例句

bipolar disorder

bipolar disorder发音

英:  美:

bipolar disorder中文意思翻译


n.双相障碍; 双相型障碍


bipolar disorder双语使用场景

1、Now, scientists are finding evidence of a similar link for bipolar disorder.───现在, 科学家发现双极性精神紊乱有相似联系的证据.

2、Bipolar disorder, also called manic depressive illness, is not as common as major depression or dysthymia.───双相情感障碍, 也叫做躁郁症, 并不像重度抑郁症或心境恶劣一样普遍.

3、People with bipolar disorder tend to have manic phases and depressed phases in their lives.───双相情感障碍患者往往在其生活中会有躁期和郁期.

4、Patients with epilepsy or bipolar disorder can have difficulty swallowing tablets.───癫痫或双相情感障碍患者很可能有吞咽药片的困难.

5、Now, scientists have found are finding evidence of a similar link for bipolar bipolar disorder.───现在, 科学家发现“双向情感疾病”也有类似的迹象.

6、Scientists are learning about the possible causes of bipolar disorder through several kinds of studies.───科学家正通过不同的几种方法来研究双相情感障碍的可能原因.

7、Bipolar disorder has often cut me off from the world.───双相情感障碍常常将我从这个世界中分离出去.

8、Bipolar disorder may appear to be a problem other than mental illness-for instance, alcohol or drug abuse, poor school or work performance, or strained interpersonal relationships.───双向情感障碍会显得像个问题而不是精神疾病——例如,酒精或药物滥用,较差的学校或工作表现或紧张的人际关系。

9、Risk for bipolar disorder can be defined on the basis of symptoms alone.───双相情感障碍的发作风险仅仅根据症状就可以判断.

10、Mixed symptoms also are common in youths with bipolar disorder.───双相混合症状在青少年中也很常见.

11、What Is the Course Bipolar Disorder?───什么是双相情感障碍的进程?

12、Different the normal and downs that everyone goes through the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe.───与每个人都经历的正常的心理起伏不同,双相情感障碍的症状更严重.

13、Bipolar disorder is a medical disease, just like diabetes.───双相障碍是个医学疾病, 就像糖尿病似的.

14、Increasingly, researchers seeing bipolar disorder as a disturbance of rhythm . ( For example , circadian rhythm ).───研究者日益将双相情感障碍视为 节律 扰乱.

15、Overall heritability for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder was 64 % and %, respectively.───精神分裂症和双相情感障碍的累积遗传可能性分别为64%和%.

16、Both children and adolescents can develop bipolar disorder.───儿童和青少年都会患双相情感障碍.

17、Demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals in a bipolar disorder case registry.───双相障碍档案上的人口统计的特点和临床特征.

18、That suggests the variant promotes susceptibility to bipolar disorder.───这就说明正是这种变体诱发了躁郁症.

19、It was used for Bipolar disorder and other types of depression.───该种疗法被用来治疗躁郁症和其它类型的抑郁症.

20、By our definition, the type of bipolar disorder that most of these kids have is subclinical; they have depressions and they have anxiety disorders.───根据我们的定义,大多数小孩所有的这种双相情感障碍类型是亚临床的。他们有抑郁和焦虑障碍。

21、What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?───什么是双向情感障碍症状表现?

22、That all changed when her sister, who also had bipolar disorder, committed suicide in 1999.───但是,这一切由于她的妹妹在1999年自杀而改变.她妹妹也是个双相患者.

23、Brasch has dedicated herself to speaking publicly about rapid cycling bipolar disorder.───布拉施一直致力于公开谈论快速循环的双相情感障碍。

24、A new study in Sweden involved more than 13,000 patients with bipolar disorder.───瑞典的一项新研究涉及了1万3千名“双极性情感疾病”患者.

25、One group of 388 children had mothers or fathers bipolar disorder.───一组是父亲或母亲患有双相情感障碍的388名儿童.

26、One Stanford University study compared patients with bipolar disorder with a group of healthy people.───斯坦福大学的一项研究对比了双相性精神障碍患者和健康对照人群.

bipolar disorder相似词语短语

1、blood disorder───血液紊乱



4、mental disorder───精神病;心理失常

5、blood disorders───血质不调;血液病

6、bipolar disorders───抑郁狂躁型忧郁症;双相障碍(bipolardisorder的名词复数)



双极性障害(そうきょくせいしょうがい) 释义: 躁狂抑郁症;英Bipolar disorder; 日躁うつ病。

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