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venture investment中文翻译,venture investment是什么意思,venture investment发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

venture investment中文翻译,venture investment是什么意思,venture investment发音、用法及例句

venture investment

venture investment发音

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venture investment中文意思翻译



venture investment双语使用场景

1、Everyone venture investment, its main purpose is to make the most money.───每个人投资创业, 其最主要的目的就是赚最多的钱.

2、While most brokerage firms and venture investment to medium - sized panels are quite popular.───而多数券商投行和风险投资人士则颇为青睐 中小 板.

3、Chapter 2: Venture investment and venture business enterprise.───第2章: 风险投资与风险企业.

4、Departments concerned may establish venture investment funds in the new and high technology industries development zones for the development of new and high technology products with greater risks.───凯利先生说他认为2009年的总风险投资会比上一年还要多。

5、As a terrance venture enterprises and venture - investment company can market exploitation value.───风险企业和风险投资公司以此为平台,来挖掘市场价值.

6、Then discuss mainly the design, application and dynamic adjustment of the decision mechanism of venture investment.───本文集中讨论了风险投资决策机制的设计 、 应用与动态调整.

7、Then adverse selection and moral hazard have become the key problems of venture investment.───两层委托代理关系中突显了风险投资领域的逆向选择与道德风险问题.

8、Longwan District should actively foster livable should venture investment and business environment for development.───龙湾区积极培育宜居宜商宜创业的投资和发展环境.

9、Venture investment during recessions may actually be more productive, per dollar spent, than during booms, when money is showered on many variants of the same business plan.───部门可在高新技术产业开发区建立风险投资基金,用于风险较大的高新技术产品开发。

10、Venture Investment is very positive to promote the realization that this kind of industrial structure changed.───同时,风险投资又可积极的促进这种产业结构转换的实现.

11、The venture capitalist plays a key role in the venture investment.───摘要风险投资家在风险投资过程中起着关键性作用.

12、Biology, medical technology, light industry, equity, real estate and venture investment, property management, investment advisory, etc.───经营主业BusinessScope:生物 、 医药技术 、 轻工 、 证券 、 房地产和风险投资及物业管理, 投资咨询等.

13、Owing to lack of funds, I am going for venture investment to start the business.───但缺乏资金, 因此想争取一些风投资金来启动.

14、There exists ambiguous location problem in China � � s industrial venture investment system at present.───我国产业风险投资体系目前存在着参与者角色与定位不明晰的问题.

15、Venture investment is a kind of high - risk investment.───风险投资是一种高风险性的投资行为.

venture investment相似词语短语

1、encourage investment───鼓励投资

2、require investment───需要投资

3、future investment───未来投资

4、huge investment───巨额投资

5、deter investment───阻止投资

6、inward investment───对内投资

7、long-term investment───长期投资


创投(venture capital investment) 创投是创业投资的简称。创业投资是指专业投资人员(创业投资家)为以高科技为基础的创新公司提供融资的活动。

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