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here you go中文翻译,here you go是什么意思,here you go发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

here you go中文翻译,here you go是什么意思,here you go发音、用法及例句

here you go

here you go发音

英:  美:

here you go中文意思翻译

干得好; 就是这样


here you go双语使用场景

1、Teller: Here you go, sir. Would you please sign the top of the checks now?───出纳员: 这是您的支票, 先生. 可以请您马上在支票上签名吗?

2、Manufacturer: Of course. Here you go.───制造商: 当然. 给您.

3、I brought my own shampoo and conditioner. Here you go.───我自己带了洗发精和润丝精, 在这里.

4、Uh - huh, here you go.───好的, 给您.

5、Sure. here you go.───当然, 给你.

6、Paul: This is where I live. I came home to find my son. Here you go.───这是我住的地方啊. 我回家找我儿子. 给你.

7、Customer: Here you go. By the way, is there ATM to go with the saving account?───顾客: 给你. 顺便问下, 活期帐户连带有自动提款卡 吗 ?

8、Here you go, Lucy. - Thank you.───你在这里呀, 露西. - 谢谢.

9、Here you go, boy," the man said and pulled a folded dollar bill from his pants pocket and handed it across.───给你,”男人说着从裤子口袋里拉出一张叠好的美元钞票递了过去。

10、Here you go. Here's your room key and a coupon for a free breakfast.───都在这了,这是你的房间钥匙和早餐免费券. 您可以入住了.

11、And, uh, oh! ta - da! Here you go.───还有唔哦! 嗒 - 哒! 给你.

12、Here you go, you can pay me back whenever you like.───拿去吧, 你什么时候还我都可以.

13、M: Okay, here you go.───男: 好了, 给您药.

14、Here you go. Four copies, is that right?───拿着。四份,对吗?

15、Postman: Yes, sir, Here you go.───邮: 是的, 先生, 这还有.

16、For every year you've worked here you go up another step on the salary scale.───你在这儿每工作一年,工资就会长一级.

here you go相似词语短语

1、where you left off───在你离开的地方

2、there you go again───你又来了

3、here goes───要开始了;看吧;说干就干(表示某人即将开始困难或兴奋的事情)

4、there you are/go───你来了/走吧

5、there you are───你就在那里(歌曲名)

6、here and now───此时此地;立刻

7、here goes!───要开始了;看吧;说干就干(表示某人即将开始困难或兴奋的事情)


Here you are 给你(正式,不常用)

Here you go(口语化, 常用)

比如, 同坐在餐桌上吃饭:

A:Can you pass me the salt? 你能把盐递给我吗?

B:Here you go. 给。

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