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hold down中文翻译,hold down是什么意思,hold down发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

hold down中文翻译,hold down是什么意思,hold down发音、用法及例句

1、hold down

hold down发音

英:  美:

hold down中文意思翻译



压住; 使固定; 限制; 镇压

hold down双语使用场景

1、He was unable to hold down a job after his breakdown.───他精神崩溃以后就没能保住工作。

2、Remove the two hold - down bolts and lift index plate from valve.───拆卸两个紧固螺栓,提起阀门上的刻度板.

3、Mr. Aston seems to be unable to hold down any job.───艾斯顿先生似乎不能保持任何职位.

4、Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiracy wanting to hold down the younger generation.───人人都认为有个要压制年轻一代的大阴谋。

5、He couldn't hold down a job after his psychological illness.───他患了心理疾病以后就无法保住工作了.

6、Despite her handicap, Jane is able to hold down a full-time job.───简尽管有生理缺陷,却能够保住一份全职工作。

7、We must hold down the tents because of the strong wind.───风很大,我们必须把帐篷固定好.

8、He never could hold down a job.───他从来都保不住自己的工作。

9、He couldn't hold down a job after his breakdown.───他病倒以后,工作也就保不住了.

10、He took a dictionary to hold down the test papers for fear that they might be blown away by the wind.───他拿了本词典压住试卷,以防被风吹走.

11、Please hold down the noise so that the neighbors can sleep.───请小点声,邻居们要睡觉了.

12、We were trying to hold down the water with our hands.───我们正试图用手把水堵回去.

13、Hold down the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to draw the bow back.───按住鼠标左键按钮提请低头回来.

14、He never could hold down a job.───他从来就保不住自己的工作。

15、Constant injury problems had made it tough for him to hold down a regular first team place.───持续伤病使得他很难保住在球队的常规主力位置。

16、The lazy man was never able to hold down a good job.───那位懒人从来未能保有一份好工作.

17、Reinstall hold down screws and ground wire to housing.───重新安装拆卸下的螺丝和壳上的接地线.

18、We must hold down prices.───我们必须控制物价.

hold down相似词语短语


2、hand down───宣布;把…传下去


4、hold on───不挂断电话,等一下;继续

5、held down───抑制;压制;保有

6、howled down───用大声吼叫来淹没

7、holds down───抑制;压制;保有

8、hosed down───用水管浇

9、hose down───用水管浇

2、hold back与hold down区别?

"hold back"和"hold down"都是动词短语,但含义和用法有一些区别。

"hold back"的意思是阻止或抑制某物或某人的行动或发展。它可以指阻止某人说出真实想法或情感,也可以指阻止某物或某人继续前进。例如:

- She held back her tears and tried to remain calm. (她忍住眼泪,试图保持冷静。)

- The police held back the crowd to prevent them from rushing in. (警察把人群拦住,防止他们冲进去。)

"hold down"的意思是保持某种状态或管控某物。它可以指维持住某种工作或职位,也可以指控制或限制某物的数量或力量。例如:

- He has been able to hold down a steady job for many years. (他多年来一直能够保持一份稳定的工作。)

- The team has been working hard to hold down costs. (团队一直在努力控制成本。)

总而言之,"hold back"强调阻止或抑制,而"hold down"则强调保持或控制。

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