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Drive up中文翻译,Drive up是什么意思,Drive up发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

Drive up中文翻译,Drive up是什么意思,Drive up发音、用法及例句

Drive up

Drive up发音

英:  美:

Drive up中文意思翻译


驱车来到; 使…上升


Drive up双语使用场景

1、Advertisers competing for less inventory should drive up the prices.───以少量广告竞争的广告商应该提高价格.

2、The growth in demand is certain to drive up the price.───需求的增长一定会使价格升高.

3、You have to change down when you drive up a slope.───当你开车爬坡时,得换成低速档.

4、We drive up the long ramp and stop in front of the JAL check - in counter.───我们把车开上长坡道,在日航办理乘机手续的柜台前停了下来.

5、That'll be 7.98. Please drive up to the window. Thank you.───总共七块九毛八, 请把车开到窗口前. 谢谢.

6、An empty cab drive up, and sarah berbnhardt get out.───一辆空马车驶了过来, 萨拉·伯恩哈特下了车.

7、That will drive up costs.───这将会提神成本。

8、The Chinese work bloody hard and drive up the standards," he says.───中国人工作非常努力,并且提高了标准”,他说。

9、Use a low gear to drive up the hill.───开车上山用低速档.

10、A relatively wealthy few drive up in cars or vans.───少数相对富裕的人则开着汽车或面包车.

11、High priced gasoline can help drive up the prices of products.───高价汽油会助长物价上涨.

12、You don't ask people to fork out every time they drive up the motorways.───不能要求人们每次开车上高速公路都要交费。

13、You must use a low gear to drive up the hill.───开车上山你要用低速档.

14、A lorry can drive up to 600 miles on a single tank of fuel.───大卡车只用一箱油就能行驶600英里。

15、We just drive up to that door over there.───我们只要把车子开到那扇门那儿。

16、Then she heard a carriage drive up.───这时她听见一辆马车驶近了.

17、They drive up and down Lake Shore Drive in front of my house.───他们开着汽车在我家门前环湖车道上来来往往.

Drive up相似词语短语

1、dries up───干涸;住口


3、drive out───驱赶;开车外出

4、drive in───钉入;赶进;运球突破

5、dried up───adj.干缩的,干枯的

6、drink up───喝完

7、drive at───用意所在

drive along是什么意思?

drive along 沿着某事物一直开车drive on 继续开along是有方向性的,沿着道路或其他事物一直下去go along 沿着•••一直走下去go up 上升、升起go stright 沿着直线走

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