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jump是什么键(jump on中文翻译,jump on是什么意思,jump on发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

jump是什么键(jump on中文翻译,jump on是什么意思,jump on发音、用法及例句)

jump on

jump on发音

英:  美:

jump on中文意思翻译



跳上…; 尖锐而激动地批评; 斥责; 袭击

jump on双语使用场景

1、He will jump on anyone who contradicts him.───谁不同意他,他就骂谁.

2、Getting a jump on history, many books have already judged him.───许多书籍却早先历史一步, 已经开始评定功过.

3、If you shouted at that moment, people would jump on you.───如果你在那时候大声喊叫的话, 人们就会突然抓住你.

4、He will jump on every little mistake you make, no matter how trivial.───他对你的每一点差错都要斥责一番, 不管是什么鸡毛蒜皮的事.

5、Key could jump on the direction of bonds, keys can squat. 3.───方向键中的上键可以跳跃, 下键可以蹲下.

6、Cyclists jump on and off pavements and ride at speed along the pavements.───骑自行车的人在人行道上跳上跳下,并且沿着人行道高速行驶。

7、The idea is to get the jump on him.───想法是要胜过他。

8、She danced and had to jump on the ranch, on the meadow, in the rain, in the sun, during the day, and at night-the most terrible time.───她跳着舞蹈,不得不在牧场上跳、在草地上跳、在雨里跳、在阳光下跳、在白天跳、在夜晚也跳——晚上是最可怕的时候。

9、While all our plans were still in the blueprint stage, our competitors got the jump on us by announcing their new model.───我们的全部设计还在蓝图阶段, 我们的对手已抢在我们之前预告了他们的新式样了.

10、He used to jump on me for every little mistake.───以前我稍有差错他就严厉地训斥我.

11、Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze.───直升机帮助消防队员控制住了火势。

12、The information they obtained gave their company a jump on their competitors.───他们得到的信息帮助他们抢在了竞争对手的前面.

13、Jump on a trampoline or paint your fingernails a couple of ideas.───当又有了烟瘾时,找其他你想做的事情来做,比如说蹦床或涂指甲等想法.

14、We jump on our bikes and peddle off to the arcade.───我们跳上我们单车,骑车去拱廊。

15、Is a jump on the bandwagon the actual is the same.───就是赶时髦,实际是一样的.

16、Why is it doctor that I am always so nervy, tense and ready to jump on anybody.───大夫,为什么我总是感到神经质 、 紧张、爱发脾气.

17、The train was moving so fast that he could not jump on.───火车开得非常之快,所以他没能跳上车.

18、She would get off soon and jump on her way home.───她很快下车然后跑跳着回家.

jump on相似词语短语

1、jumps on───跳上;扑向;责备

2、jump at───欣然接受;跃向;急切地接受

3、dump on───投放;欺骗某人

4、jump out───跳出

5、jumps in───v.投入

6、jump off───跳下来;开始,开始进攻

7、dumps on───投放;欺骗某人

8、jump in───v.投入

9、jumped on───跳上;扑向;责备

jump on和jump off的区别?

Jump on,意思是跳到什么什么上面,The rats jumped on the shelf,老鼠跳到了架子上,Jump off从什么上跳下来.The boy Jumped off the wall,这的个男孩儿从墙上跳了下来

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