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way more(more way中文翻译,more way是什么意思,more way发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

way more(more way中文翻译,more way是什么意思,more way发音、用法及例句)

1、more way

more way发音

英:  美:

more way中文意思翻译



more way双语使用场景

1、They will not allow your more way-out ideas to pass unchallenged.───他们不会放过你这些极不寻常的念头的。

2、Ensuring that exhibitors are charged fair prices across the board is one more way of treating them right.───展会主办机构还应保证对他们在参展期间的住宿、运输和劳务等方面支出的合理收费。

3、Regretting is only one more way of being unmindful .───悔恨只是一种失去觉知的方法。

4、One more way in which the tiger mother's approach differs from that of her Western counterparts: her willingness to drill, baby, drill.───虎妈和西方父母还有一点不同:她愿意练习,孩子,练习。

5、Fragrant and slender 'neath tropical skies, I must cross the seas again and never see you more , way back to my home on a distant shore.───你盛开在酷热的天空之下,芬芳纤细,我必须再次飘洋过海不再见你,回到我远在彼岸的家乡。

6、He made no more way with his wooing. That was stopped, apparently altogether.───他的求爱没有继续进展,而且显然已经完全停顿了。

7、Adding some of these foods into your diet is one more way to support your body's natural health and beauty.───增加一些优等食物到你的饮食里面,是另一个天然保健和美容的方法。

8、It's fun, it's educational, and it's one more way to remind ourselves that life is about relationships, not about things.───这又好玩又具教育意义,而且也是提醒我们生活是围绕关系而非物品的一个良方。

more way相似词语短语


2、wore away───磨损;消磨;流逝

3、fare war───价格战

4、tore away───强行拉走;强迫...离开

5、give way───让路;撤退;倒塌;失去控制

6、make way───让路;进行;前进;获得成就

7、store away───v.贮存;储存;储备;收起来

8、more than───多于;超出;比……多

9、hard way───困难的方式




英 [weɪ] 美 [weɪ]


n. 路;路线;方法;方式;作风;样子;方向;出入通道;距离;时间段;地区;方面;情况

adv. 非常;远远地

adj. 途中的,中途的


1.用作名词 (n.)

I am on my way to the grocery store.我正在去杂货店的路上。

We lost the way in the dark.我们在黑夜中迷路了。

2.用作副词 (adv.)

It seems like I'm always way too busy with work.我工作总是太忙了。

His ideas were way ahead of his time.

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