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natural gas中文翻译,natural gas是什么意思,natural gas发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

natural gas中文翻译,natural gas是什么意思,natural gas发音、用法及例句

natural gas

natural gas发音

英:[ˌnætʃrəl ˈɡæs]  美:[ˈnætʃrəl ˈɡæs]

英:  美:

natural gas中文意思翻译



natural gas双语使用场景

1、Fuxin basin has abundance natural gas and good gas source rock.───阜新盆地有较好的气源岩,天然气资源丰富.

2、Smelting and casting a liquefied natural gas on clean energy.───压铸采用集中熔炼和液化天然气清洁能源.

3、Russia is the world's second largest exporter of oil and the top exporter of natural gas.───俄罗斯是世界第二大石油输出国,并且是天然气最大输出国.

4、Natural gas injection miscible flooding is one of means for EOR.───注天然气混相驱是提高原油采收率的重要手段之一.

5、Compared with international natural gas prices, China � � s domestic natural gas prices are still too low.───与国际天然气价格相比, 我国天然气价格水平仍然偏低.

6、Using anthracite generates more carbon emissions than natural gas.───相对于天然气,使用无烟煤会产生更多的二氧化碳排放.

7、The effects of supersaturation and supercool on ice conversion to natural gas hydrate was studied.───对由冰生成天然气水合物过程中的过饱和度和过冷度的作用进行了实验研究.

8、Benefiting Xinjiang by exploiting petroleum and natural gas.───通过石油天然气开发造福新疆.

9、Natural gas reserves and output account for the total reserves and output of about 90 %.───天然气的储量和产量均占总储量和产量的90%左右.

10、Pipeline is an important means of natural gas transmission.───管道是天然气运输的重要方式.

11、Sampaguita gasfield near Reed Bank is estimated to hold about 20 trillion cubic feet natural gas.───礼乐滩附近的桑帕吉塔天然气场被测出至少蕴含20万亿立方英尺的天然气。

12、The U.S. meanwhile sits on largely untapped fossil fuel resources, including coal, natural gas and oil.───而美国则拥有很大程度上尚未开发的化石燃料资源, 包括煤, 天然气和石油.

13、Purpose: for hydrogen, dissolved salts, methyl chloride, turbine oil, natural gas and other heating medium.───用途: 用于氢气 、 溶盐 、 氯甲烷 、 透平油 、 天然气等介质加热.

14、Current and Yueyang Ming dynasty courtyard companies engaged in natural gas pipe network construction projects.───目前与岳阳大明公司合作从事天然气庭院管网建设工程.

15、The fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas, are rapidly diminishing in supply as consumption increases.───矿物燃料, 煤 、 石油和天然气, 由于消费的增加而在快速的递减着.

16、Therefore it is necessary to know the water content sour natural gas in design and operation.───因此,在工艺设计、装置核算中都需要确定天然气的含水量.

17、Today, oil and natural gas have replaced coal and wood in most areas.───如今在大部分地区,燃油和天然气已经取代了煤炭和木头。

18、More than half of all U.S. households are heated with natural gas.───超过半数的美国家庭用天然气供暖。

19、Pipeline technology has particular advantage in transporting liquid such as petroleum and natural gas.───管道技术在石油、天然气等流体输送中有着独特的优势.

20、economic downturn is drying up demand for oil and natural gas, dropping the benchmark price for a barrel of oil to below $50.───经济低迷正在抑制市场对石油和天然气的需求,导致基准原油价格跌破每桶50美元。

21、The corrosion and its mechanism in Daqing natural gas processing units were fully investigated.───对大庆天然气加工装置的腐蚀成因进行了现场调研与理论分析.

22、Formation conditions and mechanisms as well as accumulations of natural gas hydrates ( NGHs ) are discussed.───探讨了天然气 水合物 矿藏的形成条件和机理、 水合物 矿藏的聚集方式.

23、Today our energy supply consists mostly of coal, petroleum, and natural gas.───今天,我们的能源供应主要由煤 、 石油及天然气构成.

24、The drilling team is working on a petroleum associated gas well to exploit natural gas.───钻探队正在打油气井,准备开采天然气.

25、The IEA even warned of the possible formation of a cartel for natural gas.───国际能源机构甚至警告称,可能会形成一个天然气垄断组织.

26、They have converted from solid fuel to natural gas.───他们已把固体燃料转变成天然气.

natural gas相似词语短语

1、natural law───自然法则,自然律

2、natural gases───天然气(naturalgas的复数)


4、natural grace───自然的优雅

5、natural dye───天然染料

6、natural gift───天赋才能


8、natural laws───自然法则,自然律

9、natural gasses───天然气








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