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closeout(close out中文翻译,close out是什么意思,close out发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

closeout(close out中文翻译,close out是什么意思,close out发音、用法及例句)

close out

close out发音

英:  美:

close out中文意思翻译




close out双语使用场景

1、He decided to close out his book store.───他决定将他的书店停业。

2、They are prepared to close out their business.───他们准备把自己的商店盘出.

3、Remember to close out, It'softer!───记住出去时要关门, 轻一点!

4、Paul was losing money in his shoe store, so he decided to close out.───保罗的鞋店亏本, 所以他决定卖清存货停业.

5、They want to close out a stock of goods.───他们要卖完存货.

6、They intended to close out all their stock.───他们打算卖光所有的存货.

7、We expect to close out the balance of you consignment in the next few days.───我们预料几天后将你寄售货物的剩余部份减价售出.

8、Usually close out their best position, left a bad position.───通常他们平掉好的头寸, 留下了不好的头寸.

9、Simth and Company are prepared to close out their affairs before long.───史密斯和他的公司准备及早结束他们的业务.

10、Smith and Company are pepared to close out their affairs before long.───史密斯公司准备及早把他们的业务结掉.

11、The next few lines close out the root element and the document itself.───下面几行关闭根元素和文档本身。

12、Scot hit two aces in the next game to close out the set.───接下来的一局中,穆雷用两个ACE结束了整盘比赛。

close out相似词语短语

1、closed out───抛售(停业);(航空器发射前进行的最后)关闭

2、close off───封锁;隔绝;使隔离;结账

3、close outs───结束;抛售;停业


5、lose out───输掉,失败

6、closes out───结束;抛售;停业

7、clock out───打卡下班


9、close up───关闭;愈合;靠近


动词是"关上"的意思, 形容词有"关著的","亲密的"的意思!

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