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slip out中文翻译,slip out是什么意思,slip out发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

slip out中文翻译,slip out是什么意思,slip out发音、用法及例句

1、slip out

slip out发音

英:  美:

slip out中文意思翻译


无意中说出(或泄露); 悄悄溜走


slip out双语使用场景

1、Robert had suggested to him that they might slip out for a drink before lunch.───罗伯特曾向他暗示午饭前溜出去喝一杯.

2、Just slip out of the room while nobody's looking.───在没人看着时就溜出房间去.

3、He is trying to slip out of the pursuers.───他竭力摆脱追赶者.

4、He moved into the locker room and began to slip out of his scrub suit.───他走进更衣室把手术服脱下来.

5、Can we slip out to have a drink during the meeting?───我议期间我们可以溜出来去喝点饮料 吗 ?

6、Just give me a minute to slip out of these wet things and I'll join you.───请稍等一下,我把这些湿衣服脱掉就来和你们作伴.

7、He was really planning to slip out and away.───实际上,他是在打算溜之大吉.

8、Torres then Abeiluoe header after the ball, and slip out the door.───托雷斯接阿贝罗阿传球后的头槌, 也滑门而出.

9、The rope could accidentally slip out if you fall.───绳子可以小心滑了如果您下降.

10、slip out as Tuxhorn resets his alarm.───克斯宏重设报警器之前溜了出来。

11、I do not see how you can slip out of writing a report about that.───我看你躲不了要写一份有关这事的报告.

12、After some minutes the door was sufficiently ajar for her to slip out.───过了几分钟门终于拉成半开,她得以通过了.

13、She'll wear her old tam and slip out the back way.───她将戴上旧的小园帽悄悄地从后门溜出去。

14、They slip out as Tuxhorn resets his alarm.───在塔克斯宏重设报警器之前溜了出来.

15、The dog tried to slip out of its collar.───那条狗力图争脱颈圈.

16、Just let your hand drop to your side and the gun slip out.───把胳膊直直地贴着身子,让枪自然地从手上滑下去.

17、I would like to slip out of the hand immediately these goods.───我愿意把这些货物立即脱手.

18、I managed to slip out of the room unseen.───我总算偷偷地溜出了屋子。

slip out相似词语短语

1、blimp out───变胖很多

2、slop out───倒

3、flip outs───乐死了;失控;疯掉

4、sleep out───睡在户外;不住在工作处

5、strip out───拿走所有东西;剥除;剔除


7、flip out───乐死了;失控;疯掉

8、lip out───唇枪舌剑

9、ship out───运出;坐船到国外去



首先,我们看一下slip本身的含义,slip是滑的意思,英语中有slip down,滑倒;slip out 溜出去的组合。其现在分词形式为slipping,slippin是其口语缩写形式。




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