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torn down中文翻译,torn down是什么意思,torn down发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

torn down中文翻译,torn down是什么意思,torn down发音、用法及例句

torn down

torn down发音

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torn down中文意思翻译



torn down双语使用场景

1、Pictures of the president, Bashar Assad, have been torn down and a plinth where a statue of his father, Hafez, once towers stands empty.───总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(BasharAssad)的画像已经被撕掉而曾经耸立着其父哈菲兹(Hafez)塑像之处,现在只剩空空如也的基座。

2、The leaves had been torn down by the rain, by the wind, some by day, some at night, they now formed a deep carpet over the forest floor .───这些落叶有些在白天,有些在夜里被雨打落,被风吹落,如今在森林的地面上形成了一条厚厚的落叶毯子。

3、Most of the older buildings have been torn down and replaced by modern monstrosities.───绝大部分旧建筑已被拆除,取而代之的是奇丑无比的现代建筑物。

4、Angry Russians may have torn down the statue of Felix Dzerzhinsky.───愤怒的俄罗斯人可能已经拆除了菲利克斯•捷尔任斯基的雕像。

5、It had an evil influence on society and had to be torn down immediately, " said an official. "───并对社会造成恶劣的影响,必须立即拆除。

6、The Happy Prince has given his precious stones to the people to help them and yet his statue is still being torn down at the end of the day.───欢愉王子给啦他地宝石地人去协助他们,但他地雕像仍被撤除,在一天地完毕。

7、The photograph of the leader had been torn down in the night by his enemies.───这位领导人的照片在夜晚被他的敌人撕了下来。

8、That southernmost section was torn down in the 1960s, long before any thought of turning the line into a park.───铁路最南端的部分于上世纪六十年代被拆除,之后过了很长时间,才有人提议可以将剩下的部分改造成公园。

9、Palisades describe the strong fence that protect you from being torn down.───护栏形容的是那些强大的篱笆来保护你不被打倒。

torn down相似词语短语

1、turn downs───减小,关小,调低;拒绝

2、tore down───v.扯下;诋毁;拆卸;逐条驳斥

3、burn down───烧毁,火力减弱

4、turns down───减小,关小,调低;拒绝

5、mown down───砍倒

6、thin down───变细;弄细

7、turn down───减小,关小,调低;拒绝

8、to run down───耗尽

9、worn down───磨损

MoDonald's,though,says the building should be torn down.是什么句式

宾语从句,可以这样写:MoDonald's,though,says(that) the building should be torn down.虽然麦当娜说此楼要被推翻!

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