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特工英文(secret agents中文翻译,secret agents是什么意思,secret agents发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

特工英文(secret agents中文翻译,secret agents是什么意思,secret agents发音、用法及例句)

1、secret agents

secret agents发音

英:[ˌsiːkrət ˈeɪdʒənt]  美:[ˌsiːkrət ˈeɪdʒənt]

英:  美:

secret agents中文意思翻译



n.特工人员,特务( secret agent的名词复数 )

secret agents双语使用场景

1、He is indignant at suggestions that they were secret agents.───有人暗示他们可能是特务,这让他非常气愤。

2、The company's products of good, all products are Seiko secret agents, the quality of absolute guarantee.───本公司产品工艺优良, 所有产品都是精工细作, 质量绝对保证.

3、He brushed past the secret agents and quickly strolled out of the teahouse.───他从特务身边走过,从容地出了茶馆。

4、In order to change this monotonous diet, five people have created a coarse food secret agents.───为了改变这种单调乏味的饮食, 五台人便创制了一种粗粮细作的食品.

5、Everywhere his army , police , gendarmes and secret agents are clashing with the student masses.───蒋介石的军警宪特同学生群众之间,到处发生冲突.

6、Secret agents penetrated into high government circles.───秘密特工打入了高层政界.

7、Secret agents penetrated into high society.───秘密特工打入高层政界.

8、He is indignant at suggestions that they were secret agents.───他对关于他们是特务的暗示很愤慨。

9、Construction technology standards strictly villa decoration, Seiko secret agents.───严格别墅装修施工工艺标准,精工细作。

10、The Yuuzhan Vong invasion began insidiously , with secret agents sent to gather information about the galaxy.───遇战疯人的入侵在阴谋中开始.

secret agents相似词语短语

1、secret ballots───无记名投票

2、secret Santa───神秘的圣诞老人

3、secret agent───间谍;特务

4、secret Santas───秘密桑塔斯


6、nerve agents───神经毒剂

7、special agents───特工;[贸易]特定代理人

8、ticket agents───售票代理处;代理售票人

9、free agents───无自由约束的职业队员

2、Secret Agent Man (Instrumental) (Stereo) 歌词

歌曲名:Secret Agent Man (Instrumental) (Stereo)

歌手:The Ventures

专辑:The Very Best Of The Ventures

(graham russell)

Well Ive got friends in the states

And Ive got friends out in space

When informations your game

The whole world knows your name

And so they gave me a code

To work this treacherous road

For all the agents I know

Must work incognito


I love my trade,

Ive got my future made.

I put my life on the line

To save this country of mine

And they reward me with love

And see I have a good time.

So all my moves must be fast

Cos every day is my last

A secret agent thats slow

Almost certain to go.


I love my trade,

Ive got my future made.

I love my trade,

Ive got my future made.

Ive got friends in the states

Ive got friends out in space

When informations your game

The whole world knows your name

And so they gave me a code

To work this treacherous road

For all the agents I know

Must work incognito.

I love my trade,

Ive got my future made.

I love my trade,

Ive got my future made.


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