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peking opera中文翻译,peking opera是什么意思,peking opera发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

peking opera中文翻译,peking opera是什么意思,peking opera发音、用法及例句

peking opera

peking opera发音

英:  美:

peking opera中文意思翻译



peking opera双语使用场景

1、necessary to see Peking Opera while you are in China, just as seeing an opera while in Italy.───当你来到中国的时候,一定要去看一场京剧,就像是你到了意大利一定要去听一场歌剧一样。

2、Henan Opera is more ancient than the Peking Opera.───摘要豫剧是比京剧更古老的剧种.

3、Kevin ____ Peking opera, but now he likes popular songs.───凯文过去喜欢京剧, 但现在非常喜欢流行歌曲.

4、I've got tickets for the Peking Opera. Would you like to come?───我有京剧演出的票. 你想去 吗 ?

5、The result is a production decidedly more risqué than the typical Peking opera, with plenty of wine guzzling, pelvic thrusts and shirtless male dancers.───其结果是演出中出现大量的把酒狂饮、骨盆碰撞和赤膊上阵的舞男,肯定比典型的京剧更有伤风化。

6、He is a well - known Laosheng actor of Peking opera.───他是著名的京剧须生演员.

7、All offered plays are repertoire of Peking Opera that are carefully selected.───演出的剧目全部是精心挑选的京剧名段.

8、It is too expensive to watch Ballet and Peking opera.───芭蕾舞和京剧的票价都很贵.

9、B Peking Opera. I'd love to go. I've never seen it before.───B京剧. 我想去. 我以前还从没看过京剧.

10、Peking opera doesn't pack the house these days as it used to.───京剧现在不像以前那么卖座了.

11、Zhanchangsha is a famous Peking opera featuring the role of Hongjing.───《战长沙》是京剧中一出著名的红净戏.

12、So , Kunqu elements are still discernible in Peking Opera.───在京剧里, 我们还可以看到昆曲的影子.

13、I have been longing to see a Peking Opera.───我一直想看京剧.

14、She occupies a room of 90 square feet, furnished with a bed, chair, table, and television ever tuned to the Peking opera channel.───她一个人住在90平方英尺的房子里,家里有一张床、椅子、桌子和一台总是锁定在京剧频道的电视机。

15、Huguang Guild Hall is the best place to enjoy Peking Opera.───宣武区湖广会馆是欣赏北京京剧的最佳场所.

16、Peking Opera. I'd love to come. I've never seen it before.───京剧. 我想去. 我以前还从没看过京剧.

17、You see , this Mr Smith is an expert on Peking opera.───不过, 这位史密斯先生可是个京剧专家哟.

18、" You certainly have a big voice, " laughed Chueh - hsin, and he launched into a Peking opera aria.───“ 你的声音真大, ” 觉新笑着对 觉慧 说, 只听见他在上面唱京戏.

peking opera相似词语短语

1、asking over───请(某人)来自己家

2、pecking order───[禽]啄序;社会等级(等于peckorder)

3、decking over───铺面

4、banking operation───银行经营

5、making over───转让;移交;修改

6、Peking men───北京人(中国猿人)

7、taking over───掌握(歌曲名)

8、picking over───vt.挑选;仔细检查……以便选出优品分档挑选

9、raking over───v.痛骂



Characteristics of peking opera:


Characteristics of Paking opera singing,Musical, Instruments, Makeup,

Stage and Costume.

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