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missing out(miss out中文翻译,miss out是什么意思,miss out发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

missing out(miss out中文翻译,miss out是什么意思,miss out发音、用法及例句)

miss out

miss out发音

英:  美:

miss out中文意思翻译

遗漏[忘]; (被)略去; 错过机会; 不理睬(某人)


miss out双语使用场景

1、I shall miss out the sweet course.───我要省掉那道甜食.

2、Of course I'm coming—I don't want to miss out on all the fun!───我当然要来—我可不想错失好玩的机会。

3、If you unsubscribe from any communication category, you'll miss out on some great information to come!───如果您退订的任何通信类, 你会错过一些大的资料来了!

4、However hard you try, you'll always miss out on something in life. Let's just enjoy the moment.───不管你怎么赶,人生中总有抓不住的,享受当下吧!

5、I fear that I might miss out by chasing two goals, he said.───我担心追求两项目标,我可能会落空, 他说.


7、Those investors miss out on these kind of chances.───这些投资者错失了这样的机会.

8、We will always, always miss out.───每时每刻我们都将会错过。

9、We'll miss out ( eg not sing ) the last two verses.───最后两句歌词我们不唱了.

10、The group also wants to help some 226 million older children who miss out on school.───这个小组也要帮助一些226百万年龄稍大的失学儿童.

11、And miss out on all the fun of baking a cake?───然后错过烤蛋糕的乐趣 吗 ?

12、Don't miss out on the local coffee.───可别忘了尝尝当地的咖啡啊!

13、Don't miss out your brothers when you send round the invitations.───发请帖时不要把你兄弟们给漏了.

14、Don't miss out on any more great articles.───不要错过任何好的文章。

15、I guess we miss out on the feast of life in front of us.───我们就错过在眼前的生命宴席.

16、So while they don't have enlightenment, they also miss out lot of fun.───所以一方面他们不能得到证悟, 另一方面他们也错失了很多乐趣.

17、To delete or miss out; for example, drop bits, drop significant digits.───删除或丢失. 例如, 丢失位, 丢失有效数字.

18、Don't miss out on a connectionthe distance between you.───不要失去一次拉近遥远距离的机会.

miss out相似词语短语

1、bliss out───狂喜;进入狂喜的状态

2、missed out───错过;遗漏;省略

3、minds out───注意;当心

4、dies out───逐渐消失

5、misses out───错过;遗漏;省略

6、mails out───寄出;发出



I think of you a bit.

I kind of miss(ing) you.

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