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沙拉酱英语(salad sauce中文翻译,salad sauce是什么意思,salad sauce发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

沙拉酱英语(salad sauce中文翻译,salad sauce是什么意思,salad sauce发音、用法及例句)

salad sauce

salad sauce发音

英:  美:

salad sauce中文意思翻译



salad sauce双语使用场景

1、Suggestion: put little salad sauce, or simply chew cucumber to reduce fat intake.───建议:少放沙拉酱,或者干脆生啃黄瓜以减少脂肪摄入量。

2、Tiger Shrimp, Trout Salad Sauce, Ground Trout, Salads, Fish Ball.───虾。鲜鱼色拉酱。鲑鱼松。小菜色拉,鱼丸。

3、Also, there's the salad. The salad sauce is sour, sweet, salty, every flavor to its best proportion that it's beyond tasty.───还有沙拉,沙拉酱有点酸,有点甜,又有点咸,每一种味道轻重适中的组合在一起,美味极了。

4、Also can cut strawberry and sliced cucumbers and tomatoes together, add salad sauce, is a delicious fruit salad.───还可以把切好的草莓和切好的黄瓜和小西红柿放在一起,放入沙拉酱拌好,就成了一道美味的水果沙拉了。

5、When making cold dishes, generally with the salad sauce seasoning made, .───制作凉菜时,一般用色拉油、沙司作调料。

6、When making cold dishes, generally with the salad sauce seasoning made,.───虾,鲑鱼色拉酱,鲑鱼松,小菜色拉,鱼丸。

7、Again the cream, lemon juice into salad sauce mix inside, and poured it on fruit chip.───再将鲜奶油,柠檬汁倒入色拉油沙司内拌匀,浇在水果片上。

8、First, she need cut up vegetables, then puts them in a bowl, next pours some salad sauce on the vegetables, finally mixes them all up.───首先,她要切碎蔬菜,然后把它们放到一个碗中,下一步是倒一些沙拉酱在蔬菜上面,最后充分拌匀。

salad sauce相似词语短语

1、bread sauce───面包沙司;加面包屑的调味浆

2、satay sauce───沙爹酱

3、salad basket───拌沙拉蔬菜篮

4、bread sauces───面包沙司;加面包屑的调味浆

5、salad shaker───沙拉摇壶

6、satay sauces───沙爹酱

7、hard sauce───硬沙司

8、tartar sauce───一种调味酱

9、soya sauce───酱油


法汁Saladsauce, 千岛汁thousand-islanddressing, 油醋汁methodofoilandvinegar

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