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bite the bullet中文翻译,bite the bullet是什么意思,bite the bullet发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

bite the bullet中文翻译,bite the bullet是什么意思,bite the bullet发音、用法及例句

1、bite the bullet

bite the bullet发音

英:  美:

bite the bullet中文意思翻译



bite the bullet双语使用场景

1、You have to bite the bullet.───他说,“你一定要咬紧牙关坚持住。

2、She had to bite the bullet and give in to her boss's unreasonable demands.───意思是她在老板提出苛刻要求时表现的勇敢坚强.

3、The president called the people to bite the bullet and make personal sacrifices.───总统号召人民忍受痛苦,作出个人牺牲.

4、Europe will have to bite the bullet soon.───欧洲将不得不咬紧牙关了.

5、The officer asked the soldiers to bite the bullet.───军官要求士兵们咬紧牙关。

6、Tour operators may be forced to bite the bullet and cut prices.───旅游社的经营者们不得不忍痛降价。

7、Tell him you love him. Bite the bullet!───告诉他你爱他, 尝试一下!

8、Tour operators may be forced to bite the bullet and cut prices.───旅行社的经营者们可能不得不忍痛降价。

9、John will just have to bite the bullet and have this operation.───约翰将不得不忍受手术的疼痛.

10、You sometimes just have to'bite the bullet'and take a chance.───有时你就得吃下那子弹,冒点险.

bite the bullet相似词语短语

1、blow the budget───破坏预算

2、kick the bucket───死了;一命呜呼

3、beat the bushes───到处搜寻;搜索

4、cut the budget───削减预算

5、be given the bullet───得到子弹

6、bite the dust───大败,一败涂地;倒下死去

7、fit the bill───刚好符合要求;满足要求

8、to bite the bullet───咬紧牙关

9、get the bullet───被辞退



vt. 咬;刺痛

n. 咬;一口;咬伤;刺痛

vi. 咬;刺痛

abbr. 机内测试设备(Built-In Test Equipment)


The fish in this section of the river are easy to bite.



bite and sup饮食

bite the bullet忍痛,咬紧牙关;咬子弹(强忍痛苦)

bite on取得,尽力想

bite off咬掉

grab a bite吃点东西

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