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folk art中文翻译,folk art是什么意思,folk art发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

folk art中文翻译,folk art是什么意思,folk art发音、用法及例句

folk art

folk art发音

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folk art中文意思翻译



folk art双语使用场景

1、Nancy: Folk - art is like embroidery , or ceramics, or carving in ice, ivory even soap.───可以是刺绣, 制陶, 冰雕, 象牙雕等,简直太不可思议了,太棒了.

2、Old coarse cloth with national patterns, the characteristics of the ancient folk art.───老粗布具有民族图案, 古老民间艺等特点.

3、It was developed from Hunan folk art embroidery methods by innovative Hunanese.───它的产生可追溯到2000多年前的春秋战国时期.

4、Inside painting snuff bottle a traditional Chinese folk art.───内画鼻烟壶是我国传统的民间工艺.

5、The Chinese folk art of paper cutting, which dates back to the 6 century B.C., has drawn more and more attention from all over the world.───中国民间剪纸艺术源自公元前六世纪,越来越受到世界各国的关注。

6、The Spring Festival pictures, a folk art in China, have their own aesthetic principles.───我国民间年画艺术这一绘画体裁, 有它自身的美学原理.

7、Folk art covers a wide range.───民间艺术包罗甚广.

8、Peasant origin family, folk art at an early age preferences, interest on the painting.───出身农民家庭, 自幼喜好民间艺术, 对绘画兴趣浓厚.

9、She likes the folk art of paper - cut very much.───她十分喜爱 剪纸 这种民间艺术.

10、The particularly loose terminology of folk art studies further confuses the matter of definitions.───民间艺术研究中不精确的专有名词使定义更加混乱.

11、Cut flowers, also known as paper paper cut, the window is our common folk art production.───剪纸又称剪花 、 刻纸 、 窗花,是我国民间普遍的美术制作.

12、The paper - cutting artistic figure is a traditional folk art of this locality.───剪纸 艺术人像是本地传统的民间艺术.

13、They seemed lively and intelligent and they produced beautiful folk art and captivating music.───他们看上去活力充沛,聪明伶俐.他们创作了优美的民间艺术和富有感染力的音乐.

14、In 1986 he was transferred to Tieling City Folk Art Troupe.───1986年被调到铁岭市民间艺术团.

15、Cixian handmade folk art of paper binding, has a long history.───磁县民间手工扎纸艺术, 源远流长.

16、Cai's  lacquer engravings reminiscently remain the unique folk art in southern Fujian province.───漆线雕完整地保留闽南独特的民间艺术特色。

17、Chinese people are still generally popular folk art in China called a must.───至今仍在中国民间普遍流行,堪称中国民间艺术一绝.

folk art相似词语短语

1、folk tale───民间故事

2、rock art───岩石艺术;岩画

3、noble art───拳击

4、found art───现成艺术

5、folk hero───民族英雄;民间英雄

6、folk artist───民间艺术

7、folk arts───民间艺术;民间美术


9、folk mass───民歌弥撒曲




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