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cheap shots中文翻译,cheap shots是什么意思,cheap shots发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

cheap shots中文翻译,cheap shots是什么意思,cheap shots发音、用法及例句

1、cheap shots

cheap shots发音

英:  美:

cheap shots中文意思翻译


n.恶意中伤,恶意攻讦( cheap shot的名词复数 ); 暗算

cheap shots双语使用场景

1、Both candidates ended up taking cheap shots at each other during the televised debate.───电视辩论到最后,两个候选人都用卑鄙下流的手段攻击对方。

2、The candidates ended taking cheap shots at each other during the debate.───辩论中,候选人最后都用下流的手段攻击对方。

3、The candidates ended up taking cheap shots at each other during the debate.───辩论中,候选人最后都用下流手段攻击对方。

4、By nature, external criticisms can be categorized as of good will and cheap shots.───以性质而论,外界的批评一般可以分为善意批评和恶意中伤两种。

5、would be easy to accuse Mr DE Botton, who describes his new volume as "a hymn to the intelligence, peculiarity, beauty and horror of the modern workplace", of firing cheap shots.───德波顿先生挑点茬很容易,他把新书描述成“对现代工作场所的智慧、奇特、美丽和厌恶的颂诗”,他其实是故意这么说。

6、Recently dad buy 30 pounds of outdoor straight bow and kit, later because the time is short, the basic things of idle, is cheap shots.───前阵子老爸购买30磅户外直拉弓及套件,后来因为时间不充裕,东西基本闲置,现低价出手。

7、The candidates ended up taking cheap shots at each other during the debate.───辩论中,候选人最后都有下流手段攻击对方。

8、The candidates had no good ideas of their own, so they just took cheap shots at each other.───那些候选人没有什么好政见,只是恶劣地互相攻讦。

cheap shots相似词语短语

1、chip shots───打高球;近穴击球;削球


3、bean shots───豆子丸

4、cheap seat───便宜的座位


6、cheat sheets───小抄;备忘单

7、chain shots───连锁反应

8、cheap hotel───廉价旅馆

9、cheap shot───恶意中伤;卑鄙手段

2、Lacuna Coil的《Underdog》 歌词


歌手:Lacuna Coil

专辑:Shallow Life (Deluxe Edition)

Lacuna Coil - Underdog

You are going down

You are going down

You are going down


At the bottom I have found

I cannot wait to get back in the fight

And send you straight to the ground

Hide and seek

When I'm on the ropes

You wanna knock me down, knock me out

Your cheap shots are denied

You're going down

You can't kill my soul and kill me dream

kill my soul and kill me dream

You can't kill my soul and kill me dream

Back down

You are going down

You are going down

You are going down

Now! you will understand me now

You don't want to come back to the fight

I've been the underdog all my life

I can feel it

I will not stop until I see you down on the ground

Cause I am still alive

You are going down

You can't kill my soul and kill me dream

Kill my soul and kill me dream

You can't kill my soul and kill me dream

Back down

You can't kill my soul and kill me dream

Kill my soul and kill me dream

You can't kill my soul and kill me dream

You are going down

You are going down

You are going down

You are going down

You can't kill my soul and kill me dream

You are going down

You can't kill my soul and kill me dream

You are going down

You can't kill my soul and kill me dream

You are going down

You can't kill my soul and kill me dream

You are going down

You are going down

You are going down

You are going down

You are going down


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