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squeeze out中文翻译,squeeze out是什么意思,squeeze out发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

squeeze out中文翻译,squeeze out是什么意思,squeeze out发音、用法及例句

1、squeeze out

squeeze out发音

英:  美:

squeeze out中文意思翻译


挤出; 排挤; 榨出; 轧


squeeze out双语使用场景

1、The orange looks dry, but you may be able to squeeze out a few drops.───这个橘子看起来焉了,但你也许能挤出几滴汁来。

2、Wash preserved Tianjian white cabbage . Squeeze out excess water.───而白色卷心菜是微微有点绿色的.

3、Could you please squeeze out one room for me?───可以帮我挤出一间房来 吗 ?

4、If we give in to the blackmailer, he will return to squeeze out another hundred later.───如果我们向敲诈者让步, 他会再来敲诈一百元.

5、Gentlely Gently squeeze out the extra water.───轻轻的挤出多余的水分.

6、Mr Murdoch's tougher management will no doubt squeeze out some cost savings.───默多克的强硬的管理层绝对需要成本节约计划.

7、Gently squeeze out the extra water.───轻轻的压掉多余的水分.

8、The male rubs against the grain of the female's scales to squeeze out her pheromones.───雄蛇用他们的下巴摩擦翻动雌蛇的鳞片,挤榨出她的信息素.

9、The lemon looks dry to me, but you may be able to squeeze out a few drops.───这柠檬看起来有点干, 但你也能挤出几滴柠檬汁来.

10、No doubt Mr Murdoch's tougher management will squeeze out some cost savings.───毫无疑问,默多克先生严苛的管理会节省一些成本.

11、We want an estimate of the proportion of oil which the blindfold, mill-turning, unbiased critic can squeeze out of you.───我们要的是估计一下,蒙着眼睛、转动着磨盘、不偏不倚的批评家能从你身上榨出多少油水。

12、Look for fun condiment squeeze bottles and let kids squeeze out their own ketchup.───找些好玩的佐料压榨瓶,让孩子自己挤出番茄酱。

13、Don't put your tool away before you squeeze out the last drop.───在你被挤出去前别把工具也搞丢了.

14、Give me a few minutes, l ` ll squeeze out a new coach too.───给我几分钟, 我也能挤出一个新教练来.

15、Lady Kew could squeeze out a tear over a good novel too.───一部缺乏创意和情趣的小说.

16、Hand twist cloth to squeeze out almond juice.───用手扭动隔布榨出杏仁汁.

squeeze out相似词语短语

1、squeezes off───扣扳机射击

2、squeeze off───扣扳机射击

3、squeezed off───扣扳机射击

4、squeezes out───挤出;榨出;排出

5、squeezing out───挤出;榨出;排出

6、squeezed out───挤出;榨出;排出

7、to squeeze out───挤出


vt. 挤;紧握;勒索

vi. 压榨

n. 压榨;紧握;拥挤;佣金

[ 过去式squeezed 过去分词squeezed 现在分词squeezing ]

squeeze casting 模压铸造,压挤铸造

squeeze out 挤出;榨出;排出

credit squeeze 贷款紧缩,银根紧缩

squeeze in 榨出,挤出;挤进去

squeeze into 挤入…;硬塞进…

put the squeeze on 对…施加压力

tight squeeze n. 处境困难;极度拥挤;狭道

squeeze through 挤过;勉强通过

liquidity squeeze 头寸紧张;流动性短缺

squeeze head 压头;压板



force one's way, thread one's way


compression, commission, purchase

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