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out of the中文翻译,out of the是什么意思,out of the发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

out of the中文翻译,out of the是什么意思,out of the发音、用法及例句

out of the

out of the发音

英:  美:

out of the中文意思翻译



out of the双语使用场景

1、As the sea fox rises from the water, the diamond shark leaps out of the waves behind it and arrows down in a deadly arc.───海狐从水中起来时,钻石鲨从它身后的波涛中跃起,如箭般飞去,在空中划出一道死亡弧线。

2、Blood oozed out of the wound.───血从伤口慢慢流出来。

3、This might be solved with a realtime kernel patch, but is out of the scope of this HOWTO.───这可以通过打实时内核补丁来解决,但这已经超出了本指南的范围。

4、Water gushed out of the pipe.───水从管子中涌出。

5、He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot.───他可能得到一出很高兴的声音作出的关键他那几个关键的时候,真正进入了槽的方式。

6、She flounced out of the room.───她愤愤地冲出房间。

7、But to do all that effectively, they must first jump out of the box and leave the building.───但要有效地做到这一切,他们必须首先跳出框框,离开充斥着成见的办公楼。

8、I didn't even call him the Monk. I put it to him. He said he was out of the country.───我甚至没有称他为修道士。我去质问他。他说他在国外。

9、The door locked accidentally, and I couldn't get out of the bathroom.───门无意中锁上了,结果我无法从浴室里出来。

out of the相似词语短语

1、out of date───过时的;过期的;废弃的

2、out of time───不合时宜

3、out of shape───走样;身体状况不佳

4、out of turn───不按顺序地;不合时宜地;鲁莽地

5、out of step───不合拍;步调不一致

6、out of true───不精确,不准确;有毛病,出毛病

7、out of line───不协调,不一致;不成直线;违规

8、out of phase───异相地;不协调地

9、out of the ark───走出方舟



outof翻译成离开,例句:Get out of my house, the lot of you!


outofthe翻译成出局,例句:The opposition parties are making political capital out of the government's problems.


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