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go sightseeing中文翻译,go sightseeing是什么意思,go sightseeing发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

go sightseeing中文翻译,go sightseeing是什么意思,go sightseeing发音、用法及例句

go sightseeing

go sightseeing发音

英:  美:

go sightseeing中文意思翻译




go sightseeing双语使用场景

1、It is a very attractive place, and we will go sightseeing there.───这个地方非常吸引人, 我们将会去观光.

2、I always use a minicamera when I go sightseeing.───我出外旅游时总是使用一架微型照相机.

3、Why not go sightseeing this Sunday?───为什么这个周日不去观光呢?

4、A: Would you like to go sightseeing tomorrow?───你明天想不想四处游览?

5、Don't you want to go sightseeing for a change?───你就不想换个口味去观光 吗 ?

6、Yes. We'll go sightseeing in those places after the project.───是的,项目结束后,我们还要到那些地方去观光.

7、Next week they will go sightseeing.───下周他们将去观光。

8、Let's go sightseeing then.───那我们就去观光吧.

9、I heard that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing.───我听说泰国是个观光游览的好地方.

10、I hear that Hainan is a good place to go sightseeing.───我听说海南是个观光的好地方.

11、If I want to go sightseeing, can I get a taxi?───如果想观光, 有出租车 吗 ?

12、Would you like to go sightseeing with me tomorrow?───明天你愿意和我出去看看 吗 ?

13、Did you go sightseeing last Sunday?───上星期天你曾去观光游览 吗 ?

14、Let s go sightseeing ! I want to see the Statue of Liberty.───这里有许多可看的,我们去观光吧!

15、Douglas loves to go sightseeing in a foreign country.───道格拉斯热爱到外国游览.

16、We could always go sightseeing.───我们可以去观光旅游.

17、You can go sightseeing.───你还是可以去观光的。

18、Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer to go sightseeing.───有些人喜欢在海滩上躺着, 但我喜欢去游览.

go sightseeing相似词语短语

1、to sightsee───观光




5、go missing───失踪;不见;丢失

6、to sight reading───看风景


8、go without saying───不言而喻;理所当然;自不待言

9、UFO sighting───目击不明飞行物


go sightseeing 吧,观光。相当于take a tour, look around.

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