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financial support中文翻译,financial support是什么意思,financial support发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

financial support中文翻译,financial support是什么意思,financial support发音、用法及例句

financial support

financial support发音

英:  美:

financial support中文意思翻译



financial support双语使用场景

1、Activists worry that the new estimate may lead to a drop in financial support.───积极关注艾滋病的人们担心新的估计数值有可能会导致经济援助的减少.

2、Moral as well as financial support is what the West should provide.───道义上和经济上的支持是西方国家应该提供的。

3、Students should have sufficient financial support assure their well being during the exchange year.───在交换期间,学生应有充足的经济支柱.

4、I need some financial support for this venture.───我需要一些财务赞助来兴办这一企业.

5、And I got the financial support after two years.───两年后我终于取得了奖学金.

6、Local businesses have provided financial support.───当地企业提供了财政资助。

7、They have trouble finding financial support for their business operations.───他们在为公司运转寻找资金赞助时遇到了一些麻烦.

8、I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses.───我对本地几家企业的资助表示感谢.

9、I have no objection to giving them financial support.───我不反对给他们以经济资助.

10、Have you got financial support in case you need it?───万一你需要的话,有人为你做经济担保 吗 ?

11、Short answer: the money woes and uneven financial support that still beset women's basketball.───答案很简单,那就是女子篮坛始终存在的经济问题和收入不公平的问题.

12、They gave generous financial support to the new enterprise.───他们给这个新企业以慷慨的财政援助.

13、Financial support was not forthcoming.───财政支援尚未到手。

14、They requested financial support.───他们要求资助.

15、Being so old, how can I still live on the financial support of my family?───我都这么大了, 怎么还好意思靠家里搭补过日子.

16、Labourers employed in tobacco production will also be given financial support for rehabilitation.───烟草生产中聘用的劳动力,也将给予恢复生产的财政援助.

17、They halted financial support.───他们停止了经济援助.

18、Both newspapers and periodicals are heavily dependent on advertising for financial support.───报纸和杂志的经费来源主要是依靠广告收入.

financial support相似词语短语

1、financial clout───金融影响力

2、financial success───财务成功;财务亨通

3、social support───社会支持

4、financial impropriety───财务不当

5、financial sector───财政部门

6、financial priority───财政优先权

7、bipartisan support───致支持

8、financial turmoil───金融风暴;金融危机;金融混乱

9、financial expert───财务专家;财经专家;理财专家


1、They neet not money but time. 他们所需要的不是钱,而是时间。

2、Can you fix it for me to neet the president? 你能为我安排会见总统吗?

3、Receiving financial support from parents is the most common practice among the NEET group. 接受父母的经济支持在啃老族中是最常见的做法。

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