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address the issue中文翻译,address the issue是什么意思,address the issue发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

address the issue中文翻译,address the issue是什么意思,address the issue发音、用法及例句

1、address the issue

address the issue发音

英:  美:

address the issue中文意思翻译



address the issue双语使用场景

1、Be prepared to address the issue of being overqualified during an interview.───在面试中做好准备应对条件过高的问题。

2、We'll soon see how to address the issue of understanding users and their behaviors with products.───下面我们立即就会谈到如何了解用户及其使用产品时的行为.

3、Linear cycle chain applications to address the issue of Joseph!───线性循环链应用,解决约瑟夫问题!

4、He says they are doing this in part to address the issue of childhood obesity.───他表示,他们做这个项目是为了解决儿童肥胖问题。

5、Last. our results also address the issue of the relative profitability of standalone and syndicated investments.───最后. 我们的结果也揭示了独立投资与联合投资(财团)的相关可获益率问题.

6、The way to address the issue is to enforce project guidelines and conventions.───解决此问题的方法是强制执行项目规范和约定。

address the issue相似词语短语

1、redress the scales───主持公道

2、force the issue───强迫立即做决定

3、address the audience───发表演讲;向观众发言;对听众讲话

4、adipose tissue───[组织]脂肪组织

5、address the problem───解决问题

6、assess the value───估价

7、address a crisis───解决危机

8、address the question───解决这个问题

9、address the shortage───解决短缺



As we all know, the world is facing a myriad of challenges that require urgent attention. One such challenge is the issue of climate change.

It is high time that we took effective measures to address the issue of climate change, which is becoming more and more evident with each passing day.

Despite the magnitude of the problem, there are still those who refuse to acknowledge the urgency of the situation, preferring instead to cling to outdated and potentially catastrophic views.

It is only through collaboration and cooperation that we can hope to address the issue of climate change effectively, as no one nation can do it alone.

In conclusion, we must recognize that climate change is a real and imminent threat that requires immediate action. Only through unity and cooperation can we hope to address this pressing global issue.

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