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everything will be ok中文翻译,everything will be ok是什么意思,everything will be ok发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

everything will be ok中文翻译,everything will be ok是什么意思,everything will be ok发音、用法及例句

everything will be ok

everything will be ok发音

英:  美:

everything will be ok中文意思翻译




everything will be ok双语使用场景

1、Do not worry about it. everything will be OK. listen to me, just do . . .───别担心,没事的。听我的,做你喜欢的就是了…

2、In the long run, everything will be OK.───从长远来看,一切终将会好起来的。

3、Everything will be ok in the end, if it's not ok, it's not the end.───全部旳事到最后都会好起来旳,假如不够好,说明还没到最后。

4、Don't worry, everything will be ok soon.───不要担心,一切都会好起来的。

5、Don't think about things that you shouldn't have to. As long as you are happy, everything will be ok.───不要再想那些不属于你的东西。只要你开心,一切都会好的。

6、The sun is still bright, tomorrow is a new day Everything will be ok . . .───阳光仍旧明媚,明天又是崭新的一天一切会好起来的---lam…阳光依旧…

7、Yushu in Qinghai Province compatriots, living peace, the death of the rest; everything will be OK!───青海玉树的同胞们,生者平安,逝世着安息;一切都会好的!

8、Relax! Everything will be OK.───别着急!一切都会好的。

9、Its like God is looking at me and saying "everything will be ok. . . don't worry" .───就像上帝望着我并说“一切都会好起来的,不用担心。”

everything will be ok相似词语短语

1、everything is coming up roses───一切都好起来了

2、everything will come out in the wash───一切都会水到渠成的

3、every trick in the book───每一种伎俩;书中的每一个把戏(歌名,EveryTrickintheBook)

Everything will be Ok\

everything will be ok一切都会好的拼音双语对照双语例句1I'm sure you are right. I'm sure everything will be OK.我肯定你是对的。我确信一切都会变好的。 2How I wish everything will be OK and nothing has happened in these days.我多么希望一切都会变好,这些天什么事都没有发生过。

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