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who's that man(who is that man中文翻译,who is that man是什么意思,who is that man发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

who's that man(who is that man中文翻译,who is that man是什么意思,who is that man发音、用法及例句)

who is that man

who is that man发音

英:  美:

who is that man中文意思翻译



who is that man双语使用场景

1、Who is that man, Hester?───那人是谁,海丝特?

2、You walk into the room With your pencil in your hand You see somebody naked And you say, "Who is that man? "───你走进了,如果你在你的手铅笔房间你看到有人赤裸裸地,你说,“那人是谁?”

3、and asked the servant, "Who is that man in the field coming to meet us? "───问那仆人说:“这田间走来迎接我们的是谁?”

4、Who is that man, I question to. Didn't think she was an indifferent look that they just the manager of the company.───那个男的是谁,我质问到。没想到她却一副无所谓的样子说只是他们公司的经理。

5、Who is that man in the aisle?───走道上的那个人是谁?

6、Who is that man in a brown hat?───棕色帽子的那个人是谁?。

7、Han Jia, who is that man?───韩佳,这位是谁呀?

8、Ann: Wait. I have a question to ask you. Who is that man? I have never seen him before.───等一下,我问你一下,那个男人是谁?我都没见过他。

9、Who is that man, the first in the front row?───前排第一个人是谁?

who is that man相似词语短语

1、weight man───举重运动员

2、as is the way───就这样

3、how's that for…───这是怎么回事…

4、Rhodesian man───n.布罗肯山人(晚更新世居住在非洲南部和中部的原始人,头骨大而低,以粗大的眉脊著名)

5、how's that───你怎么看;怎么样;那是怎么一回事;怎麽会

6、come what may───不管发生什么;无论如何

7、that is that───就是这样


连成句应该是:who is that man?意为:那个男人是谁?

who是特殊疑问代词,is是be动词,做谓语,that man是人,做主语。


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