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world earth day(earth day中文翻译,earth day是什么意思,earth day发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

world earth day(earth day中文翻译,earth day是什么意思,earth day发音、用法及例句)

earth day

earth day发音

英:  美:

earth day中文意思翻译



earth day双语使用场景

1、Earth Day is a day for reflection and action.───地球日是反思与行动的日子.

2、April 22 is the Earth Day.───4月22日是[世界地球日].

3、And An environmental movement was born, and Earth Day is now observed around the world.───一项环境运动就此应运而生, 而世界地球日就此在全球保留至今.

4、Soon, the tree was beautiful and green and covered with the earth Day promises.───很快, 树变得漂亮、碧绿了,挂满了地球日人们的承诺.

5、It was great to see you at the Earth Day bicycle event!───在地球日单车上路真高兴看到你.

6、Earth Day is celebrated around the world each year.───每年全世界都庆祝地球日.

7、The report is being fittingly delivered on Earth Day.───在地球日提出这一报告再合适不过了。

8、And that's no way to celebrate Earth Day.───这种回收方式当然不能用来庆祝地球日了.

9、More attention for this fact will increase the influence of Earth Day and its benefits.───更加重视对这一事实将增加的影响,地球日和它的好处.

10、Earth day, afraid I could not find it as such a strong logic, I would appreciate.───天大地大, 还怕找不着像我这么逻辑能力强, 会欣赏我的人.

11、In an address on the eve of Earth Day, Mr. Bloomberg presented the first update to PlaNYC, which calls for such revisions every four years.───在世界地球日前夕的一次演讲中,布隆·伯格先生介绍了“规划纽约”计划的第一份修正案,该计划需要每四年修订一次。

12、Why do we celebrate Earth Day?───我们为什么庆祝地球日 呢 ?

13、Each year when Earth Day rolls around, we're given an opportunity to reflect on how far we've come in protecting the health and the environment of our communities.───每年当世界地球日临近,我们就得到一个机会,可以反思我们在保护健康和社会环境方面做了多少工作。

14、Earth day 1990 helped to rekindle the excitement of the green movement.───1990年的地球日重新掀起了绿色运动的声势.

15、A: Isn't the World Earth Day also day?───世界地球日不也是这天 吗 ?

16、Environmentalists celebrate Earth Day, to encourage energy efficiency and deplore ecological waste.───环保团体庆祝地球日, 鼓励提高能源效率,悲叹生态环境的消逝.

17、Denis Hayes , then a Harvard law student, was Earth Day's national coordinator.───哈佛大学法学院学生丹尼斯?海耶斯, 当年是世界地球日的协调员.

18、In anticipation of Earth Day on Wednesday, now is a good time to focus on some of our planet's unique —and endangered —travel destinations.───在即将到来的世界地球日之前,现在是该好好考虑下我们这个星球的那些独特的而濒临绝境的旅游目的地了。

earth day相似词语短语



3、early days───n.前期;尚早;过早

4、earth wax───地蜡



7、earth up───培土,以土覆盖

8、earth art───大地艺术;地景艺术

9、Earth Day───世界地球日



该情况在指代地球这颗行星时不需要大写,在特定语境下作为一个专有名词的一部分,或者在诗歌、标题等强调其特指含义时,可以大写,例如当作为标题或专有名词的一部分,比如“The Earth Day(地球日)”,这时“earth”需要大写。

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