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trashcan(trash can中文翻译,trash can是什么意思,trash can发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

trashcan(trash can中文翻译,trash can是什么意思,trash can发音、用法及例句)

trash can

trash can发音

英:[træʃ kæn]  美:[træʃ kæn]

英:  美:

trash can中文意思翻译



trash can双语使用场景

1、There's a trash can over there.───那边就有个垃圾桶.

2、Deidre tore up the letter angrily and threw all the pieces into the trash can.───迪雅卓气愤地撕毁信件,并将碎片全部丢进了垃圾桶.

3、Their young daughter had gone to the trash can and found a pile of unfamiliar papers.───他们的小女儿去到了垃圾桶边,发现了一堆不熟悉的文件。

4、Where's the trash can?───垃圾罐在 哪 ?

5、I hope you didn't put them in the trash can, because that would be entrapment again.───狗:我希望您不要把鞋子放到垃圾桶, 因为那样做可能又是圈套.

6、Judge: The cat did not do it. The cat couldn't possibly knock over the trash can.───法官: 猫干不了那事. 猫不会把垃圾桶拱翻.

7、When they have finished, customers throw everything except the tray into a trash can.───顾客吃完了, 除了盘子以外,其余都扔进垃圾箱.

8、The only thing messy in a neat person's house is the trash can.───整洁的人家里唯一杂乱的东西就是垃圾桶.

9、When are done with that old food, throw it in the trash can.───当你吃完那陈的东西的话, 就把它扔进垃圾桶里去吧.

10、The trash can was thrown away.───垃圾桶被扔掉了.

11、It's not hard to put trash in a trash can.───有一个人说:把垃圾丢进垃圾桶并不难.

12、It is like he is throwing you in the trash can.───可这跟解雇人有什么关系呢?

13、The trash can be thrown away.───可以扔掉垃圾.

14、People can just throw them into the trash can as they turn around.───人们很有可能一转身就会把它们扔进垃圾桶。

15、Let's play from the trash can to the light post, right?───比赛场地是从垃圾桶到路灯, 好 吗 ?

16、The trash can also make the animal feel full its desire to eat or drink.───这些垃圾还使动物易有饱感,不想进食或饮水.

17、Then he said they had found a pile of papers in their trash can.───然后他说他们在垃圾桶里发现了一堆文件。

18、I'm sorry but I couldn't find a trash can.───对不起,我没有看见垃圾桶.

19、The cat couldn't possibly knock over the trash can.───猫不会把垃圾桶拱翻.

20、All this garbage is cleared every day into the big trash can outside.───这些垃圾每天倒在外面的大垃圾桶里.

21、I tripped over a trash can.───我被垃圾箱绊倒了.

22、Little Penguin: Hes a dirty trash can full of poop.───小企鹅: 他是一个肮脏、蠢的丢弃不要的东西桶.

23、A second trash can will be for plastics that can be recycled.───第二个垃圾桶是用来放可以被回收和再利用的塑料制品的.

24、I always find their garbage in my trash can.───我老是在我家的垃圾桶里发现他们的垃圾.

25、I think you must all of my letters into the trash can without even reading them!───我想您一定把我的信丢到字纸篓里,连看都不看一眼吧!

26、Please throw the tissue paper and stationary napkins inside the trash can.───卫生纸、卫生棉、及其它物品使用后请投入垃圾桶内.

27、One trash can will be for rubbish or trash.───一个垃圾桶是用来盛放垃圾或废物的.

28、Little Penguin: He's a dirty trash can full of poop.───小企鹅: 他是一个肮脏、愚蠢的垃圾桶.

29、Row of neat, the artistic new environmental protection trash can becomes a Wudu city sharp line.───一排排整齐 、 美观的新型环保垃圾桶成为武都城区一道亮丽的风景线.

30、Please take this junk and put it in the trash can.───请把这些渣滓算帐掉,并把它们扔到渣滓桶里.

31、Trash can be stretched by type, in order to facilitate waste disposal.───垃圾箱采用可拉伸式, 以便利垃圾的处理.

32、If the trash can is beside the mailbox, even better.───如果垃圾箱就放在邮筒边, 那就更好不过了.

33、She threw the banana peel into the trash can.───她将香蕉皮扔进垃圾筒.

trash can相似词语短语

1、crash cart───救护车;急救车

2、ash can───垃圾箱


4、trash talk───废话

5、ash cans───垃圾箱


7、trash heap───垃圾堆

8、trash cans───垃圾桶

9、crash land───迫降

trash can和bin的区别?



1、 bin:垃圾箱。

2、trash can:垃圾桶。


1、 bin:侧重于在室内使用的。

2、trash can:侧重于在室外使用的。


1、 bin:bin的基本意思是指用以存放谷物、煤炭、羊毛等的宽口大箱子。在英国还指废纸篓或垃圾箱。

2、trash can:有“罐头”的意思,都可指盛液体等的容器,如壶,也指保存食物用的马口铁罐头、瓶罐或家里储存水用的陶器广口瓶等。

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