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cooling off中文翻译,cooling off是什么意思,cooling off发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

cooling off中文翻译,cooling off是什么意思,cooling off发音、用法及例句

cooling off

cooling off发音

英:  美:

cooling off中文意思翻译



cooling off双语使用场景

1、As the demand has become soft, interest is cooling off.───由于需求已减少, 兴趣渐冷.

2、Young people feel the cooling off of life; old people, that of the tomb.───生活使年轻人的感情淡漠,而坟墓则冲淡老年人的感情。

3、After a cooling off period of seven days, the patient can sign a certificate of request.───在七天的冷静期之后, 病人可以签署一张申请证书.

4、Cooling - off period is three years and references only former employees of the company.───“冷却期”为三年,并仅针对公司前雇员.

5、Bob: She's probably cooling off somewhere. Say, didn't you leave the meat on the table?───鲍伯: 她大概在哪乘凉吧. 对了, 你是不是把肉放在桌子上?

6、Neither party would resort to war or increase its armaments during this interval of " cooling off ".───在这个 “ 冷却 ” 期,双方都不能诉诸战争或增加武装力量.

7、Kelly in front of the camera, playing for a cooling - off police officers or psychiatrists.───陈慧琳 在镜头前, 适合扮演冷静警官或心理医生.

8、It's cooling off my mosquito bites.───它消掉了我身上蚊子咬的肿块.

9、Nights are cooling off, and autumn is on the way.───夜凉了, 秋天快要来了.

10、The cooling - off period only applies to door - to - door sales, and usually only those which involve credit purchases.───冷却期只适用于上门销售, 通常为信用购物.

11、It also should be near a river or lake for the cooling - off sessions.───而且应当靠近河流或者湖畔以供降温.

12、You just feel like do nothing but take a shower and cooling off.───你简直什么也不想干,只想洗个淋浴凉快凉快.

13、of migrant workers cooling off on a bridge reflects their rising status.───外来务工者在大桥上纳凉,怡然自得的表情些许反映出他们日渐提高的社会地位。

14、After a "cooling off" period of seven days, the patient can sign a certificate of request.───在七天的“冷静”期之后,病人可以签署一张申请证书。

cooling off相似词语短语

1、boiling off───蒸发

2、coning off───v.用锥形信号标明

3、coming off───举行,成功;表现;脱离

4、closing off───封锁;隔绝;使隔离;结账

5、booking off───下班考勤登记

6、choking off───窒息

7、cooling out───vt.使放松;vi.寻求休息

8、choofing off───选择离开

9、calling off───取消(calling是call的现在分词形式);宣告终止(calling是call的现在分词形式)

take a shower的中文意思是什么?

沐浴、洗澡的意思一、take a shower1、英音: [teik ə ˈʃauə]2、美音: [tek e ˈʃaʊɚ] 二、造句1、I usually take a shower in the morning.2、Can I take a shower?3、You just feel like do nothing but take a shower and cooling off.三、近义词区别take a shower:是洗淋浴的惯用英文说法,有比较强的行动意愿1、 have a shower:也是洗淋浴的意思,但是比较随意

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