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slack off中文翻译,slack off是什么意思,slack off发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

slack off中文翻译,slack off是什么意思,slack off发音、用法及例句

1、slack off

slack off发音

英:  美:

slack off中文意思翻译



放松(绳索等); 松懈; 懈怠; 滞销

slack off双语使用场景

1、After intense work in the summer, we'll be slack off now.───夏季紧张的工作过后, 我们现在放松了.

2、As soon as the public mood become clear, organized pressures began to slack off somewhat.───一旦人们清楚地看出公众的心情, 有组织的压力就开始多少缓和下来.

3、You can slack off after school is out for the summer.───放暑假时你可以偷偷懒.

4、Since when do you need a doctor's note to slack off?───什么时候你偷懒还需要医生的建议了?

5、If you slack off, it is irresponsible to evade, the consequences would be unthinkable, not envisaged.───如果你懈怠, 那就是不负责任的推脱, 后果不堪设想, 也无须设想.

6、Slack off / up as youapproach the junction.───接近交叉口时要减速.

7、Do not slack off in your studies.───不要荒费你的学业.

8、Don't slack off.───不要懈怠工作。

9、Slack off those ropes there ; there's a storm coming!───把那里的绳索放松, 暴风雨就要来了!

10、Actually, many students slack off during the projects and barely slip by.───其实,这样的“课题研究”, 不少学生也都是应付了事的.

11、As soon as you start to slack off, their satisfaction and motivation decreases.───一旦你开始松懈, 他们的满意和动力就会下降.

12、Look busy while you slack off or play games.───你偷懒或是玩游戏的时候要假装忙碌.

13、It's natural slack off towards the end of a hard day's work.───辛苦了一天临下班时,工作会偷鸡摸狗一点是自然的.

14、It's natural to slack off towards the end of a hard day's work.───辛苦工作了一天,快结束时有所松懈是很自然的.

15、Don't slack off in your studies.───不要荒费学业.

16、I wish it were holiday all the time, so I could always slack off.───我真希望每天都是节日, 这样天天都可以悠闲了.

17、Don't slack off in your studies.───学习上不可懈怠。

18、It's natural to slack off towards end of a had day's work.───辛苦工作了一天,快结束时松懈是很正常的.

19、The snow didn't slack off for 36 hours.───雪在36个小时后变小.

20、Make sure you stay focused at work and don't slack off.───确保你持续将精力集中到工作上并且没有懈怠.

21、The ropes of the tent are too tight. Slack off a little!───帐蓬的绳子太紧了, 放松一点!

22、Maintain a neatly organized desk for 30 days, then slack off.───保持桌面整洁30天,然后接着偷懒。

slack off相似词语短语

1、hack off───砍下;砍断;使厌烦或失望;激怒(非正式)

2、jack off───手淫

3、slacked off───偷懒;懈怠

4、back off───后退;软化;减轻;卸下

5、clock off───打卡以记录下班时间

6、slacks off───偷懒;懈怠

7、block off───阻挡;封堵

8、slacken off───松劲

9、pack off───送走;把…打发走;匆匆离开;寄出



n. 研究;学习;学业(study的复数)

v. 学习(study的第三人称单数形式)

Don't hind her in her studies.


He studies computer science.


Don't slack off in your studies.


He studies on his own initiative.


Rome studies geography and history.


The child never studies.


More studies are needed.


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