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white snake中文翻译,white snake是什么意思,white snake发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

white snake中文翻译,white snake是什么意思,white snake发音、用法及例句

white snake

white snake发音

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white snake中文意思翻译



white snake双语使用场景

1、He finally put White Snake under the pogada.───他最后把白蛇压在宝塔之下。

2、Precision with a green snake came into beautiful white snake spirit world.───白蛇精与青蛇精化作美女来到人间。

3、When he had carefully locked the door, he lifted up the cover, and saw a white snake lying on the dish.───他仔细地锁上门,然后揭开了盖子。盘子上躺在一条白蛇。

4、White Snake wanted to save her husband.───白蛇想要救她的丈夫。

5、Chinese story of "White Snake" is alive and well today.───中国“白蛇传”的故事如今仍在持续流传着。

6、If there was no Fahai, the White Snake's family would live happily together.───如果没有他,白娘子一家会生活的很幸福很幸福。

7、He then suppressed the white snake (Madam White Snake) under Leifeng Pagoda at the bank of the West Lake.───于是,他将白蛇精(后称“白娘子”)压在了西湖畔的雷峰塔内。

8、Hence his sending the absolute being soldier's absolute being will come to arrest white snake spirit, and crack down on her under a tower.───于是他派神兵神将前来捉拿白蛇精,并将她镇压在一座塔下面。

9、A still photo has been released lately to give audiences a glimpse of him in the new film, "The Sorcerer and the White Snake" .───日前新片《白蛇传说》发布了一张李连杰在片中的剧照,观众可以一窥究竟。

white snake相似词语短语

1、white slaver───白人奴隶

2、white sale───大减价(尤指床单,枕套等白织物)

3、white slave───沦为奴隶的白人

4、white spaces───空格;空余时间

5、white enamel───白色搪瓷

6、white sharks───噬人鲨

7、whip snake───鞭子蛇

8、white space───空格;空余时间

9、white cake───白色蛋糕

jojo 石之海反派替身能力?

JOJO石之海的反派是普奇神父。是替身能力是white snake白蛇。取他人的记忆,夺取他人的替身。制成光盘,无法破坏。


最后到卡拉维尔角进化出来的made in heaven。能力是让整个世界时间加速,这就是石之海反派的能力。

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