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西红柿汤英语(tomatoes soup中文翻译,tomatoes soup是什么意思,tomatoes soup发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

西红柿汤英语(tomatoes soup中文翻译,tomatoes soup是什么意思,tomatoes soup发音、用法及例句)

tomatoes soup

tomatoes soup发音

英:  美:

tomatoes soup中文意思翻译



tomatoes soup双语使用场景

1、We have rice, chicken, fish, tomatoes and soup.───我有米饭,鸡肉,鱼,番茄和汤。

2、there is a difference between a Creole gumbo and a Cajun gumbo-the former USES tomatoes in the soup while the latter does not.───克利欧秋葵汤和凯郡秋葵汤还是有一定差别的。前者在汤料中会用到西红柿,但是后者则不会。

3、We need carrot and tomatoes for the soup.───我们需要一些胡萝卜和一些西红柿来熬汤。

tomatoes soup相似词语短语

1、tomato ketchup───n.蕃茄酱

2、to bare one's soul───露骨

3、tomato soup───番茄汤

4、tomato sauce───番茄酱,蕃茄汁;番茄沙司


6、turtle soup───甲鱼汤

7、tomato soups───番茄汤

some tomato soup为什么不用复数?


1.We just had soup instead of a full meal.我们没有吃全餐,只喝了汤。

2.This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite.这种汤是在一种受欢迎的传统汤羹中加了香料。

3.She told me the whole story from soup to nuts.她把事情的来龙去脉都告诉了我。

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