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bent down中文翻译,bent down是什么意思,bent down发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

bent down中文翻译,bent down是什么意思,bent down发音、用法及例句

bent down

bent down发音

英:  美:

bent down中文意思翻译



bent down双语使用场景

1、I bent down to tee up my ball.───我俯下身把球放在球座上。

2、Her head was bent down, so that none might see that she was crying.───她低下头, 不让别人看出她在哭泣.

3、He bent down, removed the thorns carefully, and turned round.───他弯下腰, 小心翼翼地拨开棘刺, 转过身来.

4、I bent down, gathered an armful of flowers and inhaled their aroma.───我弯下身, 摘了一抱,深深地吸纳着它们的芳香.

5、Alan bent down and kissed the child.───阿兰俯下身亲了亲孩子.

6、The nurse bent down and kissed the child.───护士俯身,吻了吻那个孩子.

7、He bent down and picked up a rock.───他弯下腰捡起一块石头。

8、The man bent down to kiss the child.───那男人俯下身子去亲吻小孩.

9、She bent down, picked up a rock, and threw it into the trees.───她弯下腰,拣起一块小石头,把它扔进树林里。

10、She bent down, picked up a rock and threw it into the trees.───她弯腰捡起一块石子,扔进了树丛中。

11、She bent down to shake a pebble out of her shoe.───她弯下腰,把鞋里的一粒石子抖出来。

12、He bent down and undid the laces of his shoes.───他弯腰解开鞋带.

13、She bent down and picked up a mineral.───她弯下身子捡起一块矿石.

14、I bent down and tied my shoelace.───我弯下身来系鞋带.

15、Cathleen bent down and Melanie tiptoed. They kissed.───凯瑟琳俯下身子,媚兰踮起脚尖,她们亲吻了.

16、She bent down and kissed the child.───她俯下身亲了亲孩子.

17、She bent down to tie her shoe laces.───她弯下身子去系鞋带.

18、day, I bent down and picked up the book dropped from her hand when she was passing me.───天,她在与我擦肩而过时,不小心把手中的一本书掉落在地,我弯腰替她拾起了书。

bent down相似词语短语

1、burnt down───被烧成平地(burnt是burn的过去分词);被烧毁(burnt是burn的过去分词)

2、bed down───v.铺床睡;安排舒服地睡觉

3、sent down───把…向下发送;使下降(价格等);开除

4、beats down───打倒;杀价;大雨倾盆而下;强烈地照射下来

5、bear down───击败,压倒;用力产出胎儿;用力压;加倍努力;逼近

6、went down───下跌,下来;蹲下

7、beat down───打倒;杀价;大雨倾盆而下;强烈地照射下来


bend down \"bent\"是bend的过去式。使。。。向下弯曲

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