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the head of中文翻译,the head of是什么意思,the head of发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

the head of中文翻译,the head of是什么意思,the head of发音、用法及例句

1、the head of

the head of发音

英:  美:

the head of中文意思翻译



the head of双语使用场景

1、She was seated at the head of the table.───她坐在桌子的上座。

2、He's had many manufacturing career all over his life and the company promoted him to be the Head of Marketing?───他一直都在制造业中工作,公司把他升职为市场部的主管?

3、Sleep with a brick or two placed under bed posts at the head of the bed to help relieve nasal congestion.───睡觉时用一、二块砖头垫在床头的柱子下面使床头抬起,以便帮助你减轻鼻腔阻塞。

4、His major innovation as the head of our happy family was to make sure that each incoming prisoner had a New Testament.───他自从成为这个快乐小家庭的大家长以后,最大的创新措施就是让每个新进犯人都拿到一本《圣经·新约》。

5、He made his way to the head of the line.───他来到队伍的最前端。

6、You know a product launch is bad when the head of the company admits that the launch was poorly done.───你知道当这个公司的头也承认这个推出是差劲的时候,那这个产品的推出就是差劲的。

7、The public spokesman for the British Empire was also the head of a close knit family.───这位大英帝国的公开发言人也是一个亲密大家庭的家长。

8、He said, 'May God deal with me, be it ever so severely, if the head of Elisha son of Shaphat remains on his shoulders today! '───王说,我今日若容沙法的儿子以利沙的头仍在他项上,愿神重重地降罚与我。

9、The President sat at the head of the table.───总统坐在桌子的上首。

the head of相似词语短语

1、take hold of───v.握住

2、the heads───头

3、other end of───另一端

4、the heavy mob───暴徒

5、the heat is on───暖气开了

6、one's head off───甩头

7、to head off───阻止

8、at the hand of───在……的手上;由于......的作用;出自某人之手

9、get ahead of───v.胜过

2、at the head of和in front of区别?

"At the head of" 和 "in front of" 都表示在某个物体或人群的前面,但它们的用法略有不同。

"At the head of" 通常指在一个队伍、组织或团体的前面,作为领导或负责人的位置。例如:

The general is at the head of the army.(将军在军队的前面。)

The CEO is at the head of the company.(首席执行官在公司的前面。)

"in front of" 则更广泛地指在任何物体或人群的前面,可以是相对的位置,也可以是绝对的位置。例如:

There is a tree in front of the house.(房子前面有一棵树。)

She stood in front of the class to give a presentation.(她站在全班面前做演讲。)

因此,"at the head of" 更强调领导或负责人的位置,而 "in front of" 更广泛地指在任何物体或人群的前面。

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