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from the ground up中文翻译,from the ground up是什么意思,from the ground up发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

from the ground up中文翻译,from the ground up是什么意思,from the ground up发音、用法及例句

from the ground up

from the ground up发音

英:  美:

from the ground up中文意思翻译


从头开始; 完全地,彻底地


from the ground up双语使用场景

1、Mr Murdoch built Fox News from the ground up.───默多克先生白手起家创建福克斯新闻网。

2、The professor knew his subject from the ground up.───教授对他的那门学科非常精通.

3、Dumars'greatest challenge now is to reconstruct a winning franchise from the ground up.───杜马斯现在最大的挑战就是彻底地重建打造一支强队.

4、I do not feel comfortable with establishing a business from the ground up.───我对从新建立一项事业感到苦恼.

5、It is possible, but perhaps only for teams and companies built from the ground up where this is at the core, at the foundation.───这是有可能的,但可能只有将这些视为核心和基础,并在其之上构建、成长的团队和公司才能实现。

6、To make a study of my business duties; to know my work from the ground up.───认真思索自己的工作职责; 熟悉自己的工作.

7、It needed to design cars from the ground up.───吉利需要从头开始设计汽车.

8、something from the ground up, no matter how small.───不管多小,尝试着建造些什么。

9、The bridge begins to dissolve, from the ground up.───金桥开始溶解了, 从地面处开始.

10、People are going to have to learn to design tactics that work from the ground up.───玩家必须学着去设计一些相应的战术.

11、He changed everything from the ground up.───他使一切彻底改观了.

12、An all - new car from the ground up would cost $ 300 to $ 400 million.───从头开始搞全新的车子需要成本三亿至四亿美元.

13、He decided to learn the business from the ground up.───他决心对这个事业从头学起.

from the ground up相似词语短语

1、off the ground───开始;起步

2、to the ground───彻底地

3、from the word go───从一开始

4、from the wood───从树林里

5、from the rooftops───从屋顶上

6、go the round───转一圈

7、on the up and up───诚实的;正派的;老实可靠的

8、from the housetops───从屋顶上

9、into the ground───到地面下

lift up英语被动式?

depart from the ground;起飞发射升空,不必用被动语态。

\"The plane took off two hours late\" 也不是用主动表被动。

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