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we were here中文补丁(we were here中文翻译,we were here是什么意思,we were here发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

we were here中文补丁(we were here中文翻译,we were here是什么意思,we were here发音、用法及例句)

we were here

we were here发音

英:  美:

we were here中文意思翻译



we were here双语使用场景

1、Nothing could tear us apart, and now we were here together.───没什么能将我们分开 我们现在仍然在一起。

2、He might be cross if he knew we were here.───要是他知道我们在这里他可能会生气。

3、We've done so much while we were here, but I still don't feel ready to leave.───虽然我们在这里玩了不少东西,可我还是不想走。

4、This was a baby goat last time we were here, but the kids and others have been giving him lots of food and he's bigger now.───上个月来时,这还只是个小羊羔,但很多孩子和大人给它食物,小羊羔已经长大了不少。

5、Answer me this: how did they know we were here?───回答我这个问题:他们怎么知道我们在这儿?

6、Sure, Why did you think we were here?───当然,你以为我们为什么来这儿?

7、When we were here during the General Assembly, before that there was another meeting in Pittsburgh, and there were some demonstrations.───我们到这里开联合国大会,之前在匹兹堡也开过一个会,都会有一些示威者。

8、We have talked about this at length, and I believe we spoke about it a bit last year when we were here.───我们已经详细地谈论过这个,而且我相信去年当我们在这里时,关于它我们讨论一些。

9、After dinner, the twenty-or-so of us that were there sat around the fire and more formally introduced ourselves and why we were here.───晚饭之后,我们所有20来人都来到火边,进行了非正式的自我介绍,并说明了我们为什么到这里来。

we were here相似词语短语

1、over here───adv.这里;在这边




5、lie elsewhere───躺在别处

6、there there───在那里

7、get somewhere───使有所成就;使有些结果


9、culture hero───文化英雄



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