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circuit breaker中文翻译,circuit breaker是什么意思,circuit breaker发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

circuit breaker中文翻译,circuit breaker是什么意思,circuit breaker发音、用法及例句

circuit breaker

circuit breaker发音

英:  美:

circuit breaker中文意思翻译



circuit breaker双语使用场景

1、There is an internal circuit breaker to protect the instrument from overload.───内置有断路器,防止设备过载。

2、In addition, the circuit breaker operation can also lead to voltage.───另外, 断路器操作等也会引起过电压.

3、Anti - interference is a baffling problem of communication circuit breaker.───抗干扰 一直是可通信断路器的难题.

4、The circuit breaker replacement is extremely simple, handcart interchangeability good.───断路器更换非常简单, 手车互换性好.

5、That pulse forces the circuit breaker to shut down her mainframe for 30 seconds.───这个脉冲能迫使断路器切断它的主机30秒.

6、Switchgear mainly includes circuit breaker, disconnecting switch, load - break switch and fuse.───开关装置主要包括断路器 、 隔离开关 、 负荷开关和熔断器.

7、The circuit - breaker is generally immersed in a tank of oil.───断路器一般浸在油罐内.

8、Analysis on Static Magnetic Circuit of Magnetic Actuator for Vacuum Circuit Breaker.───真空断路器磁力驱动机构的静态磁路分析(西南科技大学曹剑).

9、Once again, a circuit breaker blew, indicating a problem with the pump module.───这次又坏了一个断路器,这表明故障与泵模组有关。

10、There is always an internal circuit breaker to protect the instrument from overload.───总有一个断电器以防止仪器超负荷运转。

11、kV sulfur-hexafluoride circuit breaker.───千伏的六氟化硫断路器。

12、Remove removing circuit - breaker to test position or switchgear out.───将断路器手车移至试验位置或移出柜外.

13、This ground fault protection function may be incorporated into a circuit breaker.───这种功能可以一体化设计在断路器上.

14、Push the removing circuit - breaker to test position or service position.───将断路 手车 推至试验或工作位置.

15、It expounds technical measures of the running attention of the circuit breaker.───阐述了真空断路器运行维护的技术措施.

16、Test and set switch gear and circuit breaker relays for proper coordination.───测试并设置开关柜及断路器继电器的配位是否正确.

17、This circuit breaker is handcart type, reasonable structure, convenient maintenance, safe usage.───本断路器为手车式, 结构合理, 维护简便, 使用安全可靠.

18、Disconnect all the bushes before dismantling the automatic air circuit breaker.───在拆下自动空气断路器之前,先把所有母线脱开.

circuit breaker相似词语短语

1、circuit rider───(基督教卫理公会的)巡回牧师

2、biscuit breads───比司吉面包


4、circuit break───[电]断路;线路断

5、circuit breakers───[电]断路器;(股市中的)下限条款;(如保险合同或纳税法中的)上限条款

6、circuit breaks───[电]断路;线路断

7、circuit board───[电]电路板;线路板

8、biscuit bread───比司吉面包

9、circuit boards───电路板;线路板


breaker断路器双语对照词典结果:breaker[英][ˈbreɪkə(r)][美][ˈbrekɚ]n.[电]断路器; 破坏者,破碎者; 轧碎机,破碎机; 碎浪; 复数:breakers以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Once again, a circuit breaker blew, indicating a problem with the pump module. 这次又坏了一个断路器,这表明故障与泵模组有关。

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