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short tail什么意思(short tail中文翻译,short tail是什么意思,short tail发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

short tail什么意思(short tail中文翻译,short tail是什么意思,short tail发音、用法及例句)

short tail

short tail发音

英:  美:

short tail中文意思翻译



short tail双语使用场景

1、And not I have four legs and a very short tail.───而且我不仅有了4条腿而且有一条很短的尾巴.

2、M: Look! It has a long nose and short tail.───看, 它有长长的鼻子和短短的尾巴.

3、Look! It has a long nose and a short tail.───看! 它有长长的鼻子和短的尾巴.

4、It has long ears and a short tail.───它长着长长的耳朵和一条短尾巴.

5、It has a long nose and a short tail.───它有一个长长的鼻子,一条短短的尾巴。

6、Hippo has a short tail.───河马有一条短尾巴。

7、It has a long nose and a short tail.───它有一只长鼻子和一条短尾巴.

8、She has two long ears, two red eyes and a short tail.───她有两个长长的耳朵, 两只红红的眼睛和一条短尾巴.

9、Why Does the Rabbit Have a Short Tail?───为什么兔子都是短尾巴?

10、Stumpy was a large, serious, well - behaved brown dog with a short tail.───斯达姆比是只认真 、 守规矩的短尾大棕狗.

11、Tabo : Look! It has a long nose and a short tail.───看! 他有长长的鼻子和短短的尾巴.

12、Xiaoyun: Which animal has a short tail?───小云: 什么动物的尾巴短?

13、And now I have four legs and a very short tail.───现在我有四条腿和一条非常短的尾巴.

14、It has four legs and a short tail.───它有四条腿和一条短短的尾巴.

15、They typically have a compact Body, short tail, and long , slender ears.───鹿类一般体柔软而结实, 尾短.耳大, 通常细长.

16、Oh, it has long ears and a short tail.───噢, 它有长耳朵和一条短尾巴.

17、David: The rabbit has a short tail.───大卫: 兔子的尾巴短.

18、She has two long ears and a short tail.───她有两只长长的耳朵和一条短短的尾巴。

short tail相似词语短语

1、short hairs───短头发

2、short while───短时间

3、short radii───[数]短半径

4、short trip───短程旅行


6、short haul───短途;短时间;短距旅行;短程运输

7、boat tail───n.[航]船形尾部,导弹尾部

8、short title───简明目录;简略标题

9、short hauls───短途;短时间;短距旅行;短程运输

short tail是什么意思?




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