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dated翻译(dated back中文翻译,dated back是什么意思,dated back发音、用法及例句)

04-01 投稿

dated翻译(dated back中文翻译,dated back是什么意思,dated back发音、用法及例句)

1、dated back

dated back发音

英:  美:

dated back中文意思翻译



dated back双语使用场景

1、China and India are two ancient civilizations. The culture interaction between two countries can be dated back into ancient time.───中印两国同属世界文明古国,两国之间的文化交流可以追溯到古代。

2、Even the freshest information of his whereabouts dated back to the middle of the decade.───即使十年中不断有关于他在哪里的消息。

3、His mother and his father, a doctor of Chinese medicine, nursed him back to health using healing practices that dated back thousands of years.───他的爸爸和妈妈,还有一位中医师,运用了一种几千年流传至今的复建方法来照顾护理倪茂信恢复健康。

4、The prosperity of Hangzhou can be dated back to as early as the Song Dynasty (1127-1279), when it was a capital city.───杭州是宋朝(1127-1279)的首府,其时到如今一直保持着繁荣的状态。

5、Papercutting is a unique art, which may benefit from the fact that paper is invented by Chinese and dated back to ancient Chinese.───剪纸是一项中国独有且历史悠久的民间艺术,可以追溯到造纸时代。

6、The factory can be dated back to 1990, was one of the specialized clothing producers with longer history among ZHEJIANG area.───厂始建于1990年,是浙江地区起步比较早的专业羽绒制品生产厂家之一。

7、The church, which dated back to the 13th century, was destroyed in an earthquake two years ago.───那座教堂是13世纪建成的,两年前在一次地震中被毁了。

8、Some of the bottles served dated back to 1959, and many were the last remaining ones of their kind.───宴会上的一些酒年份远至1959年,其中有不少是当世仅存的珍品。

dated back相似词语短语

1、called back───回叫;召唤(callback的过去式和过去分词)

2、date back───追溯到;回溯至

3、dating back───提前填日期

4、pared back───缩小(pared是pare的过去式);削减(pared是pare的过去式)

5、died back───枝叶枯萎;萎缩;模孔出口角;枯死

6、dates back───追溯到;回溯至

7、water back───贮水器;加热水池

8、payed back───已偿还

9、clawed back───弥补性收入

2、急~~ddu shipment卖方要几时开发票

首先澄清你问题先,我相信你是说”post date” 张invoice. 即是1月1日开 invoice, 反而将 invoice date 打成 2月15日,即未来约交货那天。(注: 这不叫 date back )


出入口贸易有几项重点,合约应明确订明条款或根据Incoterms 2000条款:

1. 价格内含的费用和处理方式--即 FOB HK, CIF New York 或 DDU New York 等, 空运海运等。

2. 付款方式--即期信用证,D/P at sight, D/A 30days, open aount, 预付款 等。

3. 风险和拥有权的转移(Title)--边个要买保险保障自己或卖价已包保险等。

Invoice(发票) 在本土货物买卖是一张很简单的文件,买卖双方也以 invoice会计做数。

但Invoice在出入口贸易中是一个很重要的文件,不止是卖方交买方要求付款和会计上做数这么简单,Invoice 是出入口报关的必须文件,保险数额的凭证,经银行交收时的收款凭证。这些机构都不会接受一张写了未来日期的 invoice。出得invoice就是要即日的,商业或法律上,当日发出任何文件不是写当日日期的吗?所以不能将 invoice date推迟的,根本海关都不会接受的。

Invoice date,并不直接与payment date有关,虽然有些是用 T/T Payment within 30 days from the invoice date这样. 但大部份出入口经信用证或银行处理的付款方式,都以Shipment date或收到文件后多少日作挂钩。例如D/A 30 days,是收到承兑后30天内付款。

Invoice date也不直接与delivery date有关,例如买方要预付订金,这样收订金的 invoice根本和交收货物无关,又正如这文讲 DDU条款, invoice date可以和 delivery date无关

我先说FOB HK 和 CIF New York,将货物交落中国香港码头,货物越过船舷,Title货物拥有权和 risk风险都从卖方立即转移到买方,不论付款没有。就算架船海上沉左,卖方收不到货,但都要付款给买方,卖方只能另向保险公司追讨赔偿。

DDU New York 是一个比较繁锁的条款。DDU New York要求卖方送货到买方指定New York陆地货仓,并不只是 New York码头交收,但买方负责处理报关和报关费用。Title货物拥有权和 risk风险是将货物入到 New York买方货仓才转移到买方;在海上和New York当地陆路运输时,货物拥有权还是在卖方的。一般中国香港出口商(卖方) 如果在海外当地没有办事处或相熟运输商,极难处理DDU的本地运输和协助买方报关的问题,所以一般中国香港卖家不做 DAF,DES, DEQ, DDU或DDP这些 D字头 Delivered的条款,最多做到CIF而已。 chungkokyan版权所有

为什么要提上面这么的情况才说回到 invoice date呢?就是因为用DDU就繁锁,付款条件 Payment terms就一定不要以 invoice date作准,付款日期应以买方收到货物当日作挂钩,因为卖方是要将货物交到买方手上才是完成责任。

付款条款可用例如 Payment within 30 days from delivery date. 如果是银行信用证交易,一般买方要收到卖方签收的 cargo receipt/ delivery note后,才能入单银行。


总结来说: 就算做DDU,invoice date都是约以货物离开自己货仓当日,也即是自己打 invoice那天的日期作 invoice date. 你的同事在某个程度了解 DDU是以当地日后货物交收时,自己才完成责任,应该那时客人才应该付款,但也某程度上误会了payment term付款方式和invoice date发票日期, delivery date交收日期的关系。

这些invoice date/ delivery/ payment term用于DDU条款中细节详情,网上不会有相关这么详细的资料,有我都不用打餐死了。


Incoterms 2000简单解释---export911

注: 版权属chungkokyan所有,请勿转载,参考: 自己经验,请勿转载,正常系船开后开invoice & packing list 架 ! 因为你都要o系船开后, 俾一份docs 俾forwarder / 船公司 & 客人, 等货到到的港可以做清关架嘛. 如果话货到先开单, 咪会影响到延迟清关罗 所以系要船开后开单.,It is a practice that when goods are delivered, invoice must be rendered to customer.

From the point of trading, the title of the goods is in the course of passing it to the customer. It has left from the hands of the seller. So, the buyer must be aounted for.

From the point of aouting, the goods have left the pany. The cost of it must be trferred from purchase or inventory to cost of goods sold. It happened when the goods are delivered. Moreover, it is not a good aounting practice to date back the invoice. The date should in line with the date of delivery as appeared in the delivery note. It is not aeptable that the entry be done when the goods has been received by customer. A conflict of matching concept in aounting which you can get it from any book of aounting. This is also an internal control issue.,

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