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lotus flower中文翻译,lotus flower是什么意思,lotus flower发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

lotus flower中文翻译,lotus flower是什么意思,lotus flower发音、用法及例句

1、lotus flower

lotus flower发音

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lotus flower中文意思翻译




lotus flower双语使用场景

1、Famous Shandong dishes include sweet - and - sour carp, braised conch in soy sauce and lotus flower prawns.───它的主要名菜有糖醋鲤鱼 、 红烧海螺、荷花大虾等.

2、You appear in my life, season, blooming into and holy lotus flower.───你出现在我生命的季节里, 盛开成一朵清新圣洁的莲花.

3、Like a shy lotus flower unable to stand the chilly wind.───像一朵水莲花不胜凉风的娇羞.

4、White lotus flower is not suit to live together because of her transcendency and purity.───白莲花是不适合共同生活的,因为她是如此超凡脱俗,不食人间烟火.

5、July 23 each year host the " China Baiyangdian Lotus Flower Festival. "───每年7月23日举办 “ 中国白洋淀荷花节 ”.

6、The colors of the lotus flower will change in the evening light.───的颜色莲花将改变在傍晚轻.

7、On your left is Lianhua Feng, or the Lotus Flower Peak, at a height of 1,860 meters.───在你们的左边是莲花峰,高度是1,860米。

8、Excuse me: Can lotus flower treat a disease, what effect does it have?───请问: 芙蓉花可以治病嘛 、 它有什么作用?

9、In particular, lotus flowers are not stained muddy water. Lotus flower symbolizes purity and innocence.───特别是莲花从不被污水侵染(出淤泥而不染).

10、It was a vivacious pure white lotus flower, with her very own personality.───那是一朵生机盎然的纯白睡莲, 正在用她自己的方式展现她的独特个性.

11、The Jinan City is a willow tree, is the lotus flower.───济南的市树是柳树, 市花是荷花.

12、The lotus flower is symbol of purity for It'springs out of muddy trace of dirt.───莲花乃清净的象徵,其出污泥而不染,亭亭净植,香远益清.

13、White lotus flower is not suit to live together because of her transcendency and purity.───白莲花是不适合共同生活的,因为她是如此的超凡脱俗与纯洁。

14、Try seating your child upon a giant lotus flower.───你可试试把自己的小孩放在巨型的莲花上.

15、The pool is in the shape of a lotus flower.───浴池的形状像一朵莲花.

16、Where the twelve - petalled lotus flower enchants the eye with scarlet flame.───十二瓣的莲花在此用鲜红的火焰来迷惑双眼.

17、Statue of Buddha with dust sits at a lotus flower.───满是尘埃的佛像端坐莲花上.

lotus flower相似词语短语

1、brush flower───灌木花

2、to flower───开花结果

3、compound flower───复花

4、monkey flower───猴花

5、brush flowers───灌木花

6、coat flower───外套花

7、moccasin flower───莫卡辛花

8、spathe flower───佛焰苞花

9、musk flower───麝香花



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