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pay of中文翻译,pay of是什么意思,pay of发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

pay of中文翻译,pay of是什么意思,pay of发音、用法及例句

pay of

pay of发音

英:  美:

pay of中文意思翻译



pay of双语使用场景

1、Curiosity is pay of a child's nature.───好奇是儿童的天性.

2、He was accused of having been in the pay of Pougatcheff.───他被指控受雇于普加乔夫.

3、He was in the pay of the enemy.───他被敌人收买.

4、Even before the recession Germans were grumbling about the pay of corporate fat cats.───甚至在经济开始衰退之前,德国人已经对企业高薪大户怨声载道了。

5、They are in the pay of the enemy.───他们已经被敌人收买了.

6、He was in the pay of the company for many years.───他受雇于该公司已有多年.

7、May i ask local charge what to pay of the currency?───请问当地费用支付什么币种?

8、Prohibit the cost of consultative sex pay of any forms.───禁止任何形式的协议性缴费.

9、All on - the - job worker partakes be expended in pay of single cardinal number.───在单基数缴费是全体在职职工分担的.

10、basic pay of the average worker has risen by 3 per cent.───工人的平均基本工资上升了3%。

11、Is civilian battalion hospital primary the doctor monthly pay of the title probably how many?───民营医院初级职称的医生月薪大概多少?

12、The man was accused of being a spy in the pay of the enemy.───那人被指控是个敌人雇用的间谍.

13、Raise pay of personnel of research and development to waIt'substantially.───大幅度提高研发人员待遇等.

14、Pay of a blackmailer.───给钱打发掉敲诈者.

15、The pay of four ranks of security personnel will increase by up to $ 570 a month.───四个级别安全人员的月工资将提高最高到570美元.

16、A pay of good rich guest article is 75 dollars - 200 dollars.───一篇好的博客文章报酬为75美元 -200 美元.

17、This man is in the pay of the enemy.───这个人已被敌人收买.

18、Will caps and other restrictions on the pay of top executives be continued and expanded?───是否针对首席高管薪酬的封顶和其他限制会延续并扩大?

pay of相似词语短语


2、play off───使出丑,使暴露弱点;使相斗;把…假装

3、pay out───v.付出(钱);报复

4、pays off───值得;有回报

5、day off───休息日,放假日

6、pay for───赔偿;为…而付钱;为…付出代价

7、lay off───解雇;休息;停止工作

8、pay off───付清;取得成功;贿赂;报复

9、pay offs───n.[会计]支付,偿付;报酬(payoff复数形式)

pay of有被动吗?

“pay of”在英语中并不是一个常见的短语或表达方式。如果你指的是“pay”这个词是否有被动语态,那么答案是肯定的。“Pay”作为动词,确实可以构成被动语态。常见的被动语态形式是“be paid”,表示“被支付”或“得到报酬”。例如,在句子“The worker was paid his salary on Friday.”中,“pay”就使用了被动语态,表示“这名工人星期五领到了工资”。


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