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present tense中文翻译,present tense是什么意思,present tense发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

present tense中文翻译,present tense是什么意思,present tense发音、用法及例句

present tense

present tense发音

英:[ˌpreznt ˈtens]  美:[ˌpreznt ˈtens]

英:  美:

present tense中文意思翻译




present tense双语使用场景

1、The semantics and the use of the English modal verb the present tense are very complicated.───英语情态动词现在时态的语义和用法十分复杂.

2、Use the simple present tense of the verbs in brackets.───用括号里的动词的一般现在时形式.

3、Write out the following quotes as a relayed message in present tense or reported speech.───使用现在时态及报道叙述句型来转述他人的讲话.

4、It begins in the present tense –'Why will you say I am mad?───它开始于现在时——你们干吗要说我发疯?

5、Action is always written in the present tense.───动作永远都是现在时态。

6、The verb is in the present tense.───这个动词使用的是现在时态.

7、Then, is it correct to use the present tense here?───那么,在这儿用现在时, 对 吗 ?

8、Always use the present tense of verbs.───总是使用动词的现在时态.

9、We have learned both The simple present tense and The present continuous tense last semester.───在上学期里,我们学习了一般现在时和现在进行时.

10、Difficulties: The right form of the verbs in the simple present tense and present continuous tense.───难点: 一般现在时现在进行时的动词正确形式.

11、She droned on for hours about the uses of the present tense.───她花了好几个小时啰嗦现在时的用法.

12、Commentators doubt whether the Minister can ride out the present tense situation.───评论家们怀疑这位部长能否平安渡过当前的紧张局势.

13、Think about your goals in the present tense and imagine that you have already achieved them.───想想你现在的目标,想象你已经实现了它们.

14、My lusts usurp the present tense And strangle Reason in his seat.───我的欲念掠取此刻并在他的座位上扼杀理性.

15、His speech to the assembly referred to the Soviet Union in the present tense.───他在国民大会上的演讲中,把目前的危机和苏联解体相联系起来.

16、Reading in English, learning grammar, to learn of the past, present tense and future tense.───读英文, 学习文法, 要学好过去式, 现在式和未来式.

17、Me is a kind of present tense ah?───我是一种怎样的现在时啊?

18、'I am' is the first person singular of the present tense of the verb 'to be'.───I am是动词to be现在时的第一人称单数。

19、Even though her parents have long since died, she still talks about them in the present tense.───尽管双亲早已离世,她谈论起他们时好像他们至今健在。

20、Use active voice, present tense.───使用正面的语气,现在时态。

21、Change this verb from the present tense into the past tense and future tense.───把这个动词从现在时改为过去时和将来时.

22、Those are real present tense, and irreplaceable.───那是真实的, 及时的,无可取代的.

23、I recommend using a similar structure for almost any Part 2 past or present tense topics!───对于第二部分任何一个现在时或过去时的话题,我都推荐使用这样一个相似的结构.

24、He told the student aloud that the regular verb was in the present tense.───他大声告诉学生,这个规则动词用的是现在时态.

25、Different from classical historical fiction, it omits historical time and narrates old stories in present tense.───不同于古典历史小说, 它省略了历史年代,使过去的故事在现在时态上演.

26、It is also increasingly found in the present tense.───这种用法现亦逐渐多见于现在时态.

present tense相似词语短语

1、present trend───当前趋势

2、present arms───举枪致敬

3、the present tense───现在时;一般现在时


5、present value───[金融]现值

6、perfect tense───完成时态

7、present tenses───现在式时态


9、past tense───过去式


Present simple 一般现在时态 双语对照 例句:

1. Future 3: review, present simple, future probability. 未来式3:复习、现在简单式、未来的可能性。

2. How to use the simple present tense to talk about the future 如何用一般的现在时态描述将来?

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