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be afraid of中文翻译,be afraid of是什么意思,be afraid of发音、用法及例句

04-10 投稿

be afraid of中文翻译,be afraid of是什么意思,be afraid of发音、用法及例句

1、be afraid of

be afraid of发音

英:[ ]  美:[

be afraid of 和be worried about不一样的“怕”
be afraid of...-用法
害怕...沪江词库精选be afraid of...是什么意思、英语单词推荐、be afraid of...的用法、be afraid of...是什么意思及用法、翻译be afraid of...是什么意思

英:  美:

be afraid of中文意思翻译


v.害怕,担忧; 怖

be afraid of双语使用场景

1、There's no need to be afraid of him—he's a big softie.───没必要害怕他—他心特好。

2、No, she would never again be afraid of anything except poverty.───不,除了挨饿, 她什么也不怕!

3、Don't be afraid of doing it because so - and - so may laugh at you.───不要因怕某人笑话你而害怕做那件事.

4、Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism?───为什么像大学这样人才济济的社区要害怕虚无主义呢?

5、Don't be afraid of him, he is just bluffing.───不要怕他, 他只是唬人.

6、As difficulties exist in our everyday life, we shouldn't be afraid of it.───困难存在于我们的日常生活中,我们不应该害怕它们。

7、Don't be so soft there's nothing to be afraid of.───别这麽窝囊,没什麽可怕的嘛.

8、Once he's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that there's nothing to be afraid of.───一旦他采取防范的态度, 再要使他相信什么也不必担心就困难了.

9、How foolish we were to be afraid of loneliness.───我们居然会害怕孑然寡处,多么愚蠢啊!

10、There's nothing to be afraid of.───没有什么要害怕的。

11、Be bold to speak up, don't be afraid of making mistakes!───大胆讲话, 别怕出错!

12、It's very healthy to be afraid when there's something to be afraid of.───不逞匹夫之勇是很明智的。

13、Don't be afraid of speaking up.───别怕,大胆地说。

14、" We needn't be afraid of Yao Chin - feng playing tricks. "───“ 当真不要怕 姚金凤 有什么花头.

15、You need not be afraid of your own sweet flower - garden's being neglected.───你不用担心你那漂亮的花圃会给荒废了.

16、You needn't be afraid of that: I give you my word it'll work!───你怕不成功么!不怕的! 我写包票!

17、Don't be afraid of losing face.───不要怕丢面子.

be afraid of相似词语短语

1、mortally afraid of───极度恐惧

2、be rid of───摆脱

3、get rid of───摆脱,除去

4、get ahead of───v.胜过

5、in aid of───用以援助…之用

6、be in awe of───对···望而生畏

7、be hard on───vt.对……苛刻;对……要求严格

2、be afraid of后接什么


1. be afraid of sth (sb) afraid 害怕某事(某人)。如:Are you afraid of dogs? 你害狗吗? There’s nothing to be afraid of. 没什么可害怕的。比较:He is afraid of her. 他怕她。

He is afraid with her. 跟她在一起时,他很害怕。

2. be afraid of doing sth(1) 担心会发生某事或某情况(但实际上未必会发生)。如:She was afraid of waking her husband. 她怕吵醒她丈夫。I was afraid of hurting her feelings. 我怕伤害她的感情。注:be afraid of doing sth 表示担心会发生某事或某情况时,其后也可用be afraid that 替换。如: He was afraid of losing face. =He was afraid (that) he’d lose face. 他怕失面子。(2) 害怕做某事或不敢做某事(指缺乏勇气或害怕其后果而不敢)。如:I’m afraid of telling her. 我不敢告诉她。

He was afraid of jumping. 他不敢跳。

3. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事或不敢做某事。如:He was afraid to fly in a plane. 他不敢坐飞机。He was afraid to go into the house and meet his father. 他不敢进屋去见他父亲。注:以上两类句型的异同之处:表示担心会发生某事或某情况,只能用be afraid of doing sth, 而表示害怕做某事或不敢做某事等,则两者都可用。如:Don’t be afraid to ask [of asking] question. 不要害怕问问题。He is afraid to go out [of going out] alone at night. 他不敢晚上一个人出去。

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