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comethru中文翻译(come thru中文翻译,come thru是什么意思,come thru发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

comethru中文翻译(come thru中文翻译,come thru是什么意思,come thru发音、用法及例句)

come thru

come thru发音

英:  美:

come thru中文意思翻译



come thru双语使用场景

1、It NEVER HAS for all the many times it has come thru here.───它从来没有为所有的多次已经通过这里。

2、There are two guys who come from straight ahead. Kill them and exit thru the building far ahead.───前面会有两个人跑过来,掉他们然后从远处前方的建筑物出去。

3、you might as well come thru───你也可以渡过

4、I would like to learn you lifestyle and habits while I am staying with you. Did the pictures come thru on your interent?───在我留在你那的这段时间里,我想要了解你的生活方式和习惯。

5、You have held the light for so long wading thru this time, this energy, this space and now what you have prepared for will come forth.───你们握着光之信念如此之久地行走于这个时代这个能量这个空间,现在你们期待已久的即将来临。

6、marvelous lesson appeared for me just now as I was exiting thru the garage, to come to this little playplace they call an office.───刚才正当我把车开出车库前往办公室时,一堂精彩绝伦的课展现在我面前。

come thru相似词语短语


2、came through───经历;安然度过;获得成功

3、come to───v.想起;共计

4、come true───实现,成真;成为现实


6、come through───经历;安然度过;获得成功


8、come for───为某种目的而来取;向…冲来;对…进行袭击

9、comes through───经历;安然度过;获得成功


comethru是流行曲风因为comethru这首歌的曲调轻快,旋律简单易记,歌词直白易懂,且背后还有电子乐的补充,符合流行曲风的特点除了comethru之外,Billie Eilish和Ariana Grande的歌曲也是流行曲风,它们常常在流行音乐排行榜上具有很高的排名,而Rihanna和Taylor Swift的歌曲则是主流流行曲风的代表。

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