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public speaking中文翻译,public speaking是什么意思,public speaking发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

public speaking中文翻译,public speaking是什么意思,public speaking发音、用法及例句

1、public speaking

public speaking发音

英:  美:

public speaking中文意思翻译




public speaking双语使用场景

1、His shyness made public speaking a torment to him.───他很腆,当众讲话简直是受罪.

2、Public speaking is known to be among the greatest fears experienced by millions of people.───发表公众演说被认为是数百万人都最害怕的经历.

3、was to build my confidence for public speaking that I took the course, not to improve performance in examinations.───我上这门课是为了增强我在公开演讲方面的信心,而不是为了提高考试成绩。

4、Public speaking is adventurous for anybody else.───公众演说对于每个人来说都是极其富有挑战性的.

5、Public speaking marked by the use of overblown rhetoric.───演说以滥用修辞为特征的演说.

6、I was never any at public speaking when I was a student.───我当学生的时候就从来不曾擅长于演说.

7、That was before I took a course in public speaking at the Dale Carnegie Institute.───那是我在戴尔·卡内基学院选修演说术之前的事.

8、Both his grandfathers were fired with an enthusiasm for public speaking.───他的祖父和外公都热衷于演说。

9、What are you like at public speaking?───你演说 怎么样 ?

10、Create podcasts of any useful interviews or public speaking events.───录下相关、有用的访问跟发表会等,作为podcast录音.

11、This affliction touches almost everyone: it's the fear of public speaking, even to the tiniest group.───这种痛苦几乎触及每个人:它是对公开演讲的恐惧,即使是对最小的群体。

12、I have anxiety over public speaking.───我在公众面前演讲就很焦虑。

public speaking相似词语短语

1、public funding───公共资助;公共资金;公共基金

2、public speaker───演讲者;发言人

3、public airing───公共广播

4、public meeting───公开会议;公众集会

5、public building───公共建筑

6、public spending───政府开支;公用事业支出

7、public domains───[计]公共域;公有土地

8、public domain───[计]公共域;公有土地

9、plain speaking───说得清楚;讲话直率

2、public speaking发展历史?

Public speaking 是一种重要的沟通和表达方式,其发展历史可以追溯到古代的演讲和论坛。以下是公共演讲发展历史的一些关键时刻和事件:




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