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so on什么意思中文(So on中文翻译,So on是什么意思,So on发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

so on什么意思中文(So on中文翻译,So on是什么意思,So on发音、用法及例句)

So on

So on发音

英:  美:

So on中文意思翻译



So on常用词组:

as soon as possible───尽快

soon after───稍后,不久以后

sooner or later───迟早,早晚

So on双语使用场景

1、And so on , by the hour, the man's tongue would go.───就这样说下去, 可以几个钟头不停.

2、Syphilis, that is, smallpox, came from the West, and so on.───梅毒即是天花, 来自西洋等等.

3、It's best to do so on all accounts.───从哪一方面来看,这样做都是最好不过的.

4、And so on, by hours, the man's tongue would go.───这个男人这样说下去, 可以几个钟头不停.

5、The metals most frequently cast are iron, steal, aluminum and so on.───最常用来铸造的金属是铁 、 钢 、 铝等.

6、Imagine if you were suddenly swept up and deposited in Morocco. How well could you cope with the language, the weather, the people, and so on?───设想一下你突然被带走丢到了摩洛哥。你能多好地适应那里的语言、天气和人等等?

7、He reported to a section chief, who reported to a division chief, and so on up the line.───他由组长领导,组长由部门主管领导,如此逐级向上。

8、They have a huge selection of perfect, slightly imperfect and discontinued cookers, fridges and so on.───他们有大量完好的、略有瑕疵的以及已停产的炊具、冰箱和其他货品可供选择。

9、He reported to a section chief, who reported to a division chief, and so on up the line.───他受科长领导,科长受处长领导,如此逐级向上。

10、They increased their income by raising silkworms and so on.───他们靠养蚕等增加了收入.

11、They sell a wide range of domestic appliances —washing machines, dishwashers and so on.───他们出售各种家用电器—洗衣机、洗碗机等等。

12、" There's always something exciting happening now, parties and so on.───" 现在时常有些令人兴奋的事情,比如, 举行宴会,等等.

13、We discussed everything—when to go, what to see and so on.───我们什么都商量过了—什么时候走、看什么等等。

14、Cut down on animal fats found in red meat, hard cheeses and so on.───减少摄入存在于红色肉类、硬干酪等中的动物脂肪。

15、We may also divide the screen into quarters , sixths, and so on.───我们亦可把屏幕划分为四等分 、 六等分等等.

16、He is interested in art, and music, and books, and so on.───他对美术 、 音乐 、 书等都感兴趣.

17、Consumer durables such as refrigerators, television sets, bicycles and so on were produced in large quantities.───冰箱、电视、自行车等耐用消费品被大批量地生产出来。

18、She spends her day doing housework, watching television, reading, and so on.───她以做家务 、 看电视 、 看书等等度过一天.

So on相似词语短语

1、go on───继续;过去;继续下去;发生


3、so long───再见





so on的句型?

一般so on跟在and后面连用,表示等等一系列的意思。

举例,We discussed everything---when to go, what to do and so on.

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