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mutual funds(mutual fund中文翻译,mutual fund是什么意思,mutual fund发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

mutual funds(mutual fund中文翻译,mutual fund是什么意思,mutual fund发音、用法及例句)

mutual fund

mutual fund发音

英:  美:

mutual fund中文意思翻译

n.合股投资(公司); 共有基金


mutual fund双语使用场景

1、Mutual fund has become one of the most important investment institutions in the security market.───证券投资基金是证券市场上是最重要的投资机构之一.

2、Liquidity - Just like an individual stock, a mutual fund allows you to request that your shares be converted into cash at any time.───流动性-就像个人购买的股票,共同基金允许你在任何时间要求将你的基金股份转换成现金。

3、To increase ( an insurance premium or a mutual fund share price ) by adding expenses or sale costs.───溢价于通过增加费用或销售价格来提高 ( 保险费或合股投资的股价 )

4、Yesterday night, I and a mutual fund supervisor for dinner.───昨天晚上, 我和一位共同基金主管共进晚餐.

5、ideal thing would be, that the mutual fund does these calculations and it puts it all together for you.───最理想的情况是,共同基金做这些计算,然后为你把这些计算汇总起来。

6、An economic analysis of mutual fund.───本章对基金契约进行了法律分析.

7、Suppose that the application development of a mutual fund system requires over 100 JSP pages, and most of the pages need table data.───假定一个共有基金系统的应用程序开发要求有100多个jsp页,并且大部分页面需要表格数据。

8、For example , you can typically redeem shares in money market mutual fund at $ 1 a share.───举例来说, 你可以在市场上方便地以每股1美元地价格卖出股票.

9、A passively managed mutual fund the performance of a specific index, such as the S & P 500.───是跟踪某一特殊指数(如标准500指数)的被动 管理型 共同基金.

10、Investment management professionals employed by mutual fund organizations typically earn 20 % more than the median.───受雇于共同基金组织的投资管理专业人士的薪资是同行业平均水平的20%.

11、Recognition of US stock ticker and mutual fund symbols, and actions for those symbols.───识别美国股票和基金的符号, 以及与这些符号相关的操作.

12、They are like a mutual fund thatbundles together bonds, loans or swaps.───它们把债券 、 款或者互换捆绑在一起,就像共同基金那样.

13、He argues it is large equity mutual fund managers who are driving the market.───他认为,推动市场的是那些大型股票共同基金管理公司.

14、Mutual fund supervisors can use socially responsible Methods: To choose which investments they will buy.───共同基金管理者可以参照社会责任法规来选择他们所想要购买的投资.

15、The weekly bulletin contains several predictors of mutual fund performance.───周报中包含几个有关共同基金业绩的预测值.

16、Dimensional Fund Advisors , a Californian mutual fund provider , takes a slightly different approach to manufacturing.───加州共同基金提供商DimensionalFundAdvisors在设计基金方面采取了稍稍不同的方法.

17、CFOs and mutual fund managers may hope for just such a return of the retail investor.───首席财务官们和共同基金经理们或许正期待着散户投资者的这种回归.

18、And Americans continue to increase their mutual fund holders holdings.───美国人在共有基金的财产上仍在增长.

19、Unlike so much of the financial system, the mutual fund industry came through this crisis unscathed.───与金融系统中的大多数领域不同, 共同基金业毫发未损地度过了此次危机.

20、These are a type of mutual fund that trades on a stock exchange just like stock.───交易所买卖基金是一种共同基金,可以像股票一样在交易所买卖.

21、The first official mutual fund, the Massachusetts Investors Trust, was established in 1924.───第一个官方共同基金 —— 马萨诸塞投资者信托建立于1924年.

22、A mutual fund's prospectus contains this and other information about the mutual fund.───共同基金的公开说明书含有这些和其它一些有关共同基金的资料.

23、But now investors want only the safest kind of mutual fund.───∟euerMarkt,后者在泡沫破裂后就惨烈的倒闭了.

mutual fund相似词语短语

1、mutual funds───共同基金;互惠基金


3、mutual aids───互助

4、appeal fund───上诉基金



7、mutual friend───共同的朋友


9、mutual aid───互助


MF是Mutual Fund(共同基金)的缩写。它指的是一种被经理人管理的投资工具,由共同投资者投资集合,通过多种证券投资,如股票、债券、期货等,以获得投资收益。


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