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水泥搅拌车英文(cement mixer中文翻译,cement mixer是什么意思,cement mixer发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

水泥搅拌车英文(cement mixer中文翻译,cement mixer是什么意思,cement mixer发音、用法及例句)

cement mixer

cement mixer发音

英:  美:

cement mixer中文意思翻译



cement mixer双语使用场景

1、Shanghai FL 112 SD tractor plant southwest 5320 G FAW CA 1280 cement mixer truck FAW CA 1280 trucks with brakes.───上海FL112SD牵引车西南车辆厂5320G水泥搅拌车一汽CA1280载货车一汽CA1280载货车,带制动器.

2、There are several ways to avoid setting up in the cement mixer.───防止水泥搅拌器内硬结的方法有好几种.

3、Use : this product is used in concrete mixer, cement mixer and so on.───运途: 使用于混凝土搅拌机 、 水泥搅拌机等.

4、Old age, his inventions and innovations including batteries, cement mixer, sound recording telephone, double - and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes.───晚年,他的发明和革新包括蓄电池、水泥搅拌机、录音电话、双工式和多工式电报系统、铁路用制动器等。

5、A cement mixer agitates the cement until it is ready to pour.───水泥搅拌机把水泥搅动得可以倒出来用为止.

6、His inventions and innovations included batteries, cement mixer, the sound recording telephone, double- and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes.───他的发明和革新包括蓄电池、水泥搅拌机、录音电话、双工式和多工式电报系统、铁路用制动器等。

7、Living in this world is similar to the fate of a stone in a cement mixer; after being tossed around with the other ingredients, it loses all control of its own existence.───一个人生活在世上,就好像水泥搅拌器里的石子一样,运转起来之后,身不由主。

cement mixer相似词语短语

1、cement slurry───水泥渣

2、cement mixers───水泥搅拌车,混凝土搅拌车(cementmixer的名词复数)


4、cement floor───水泥地面;水泥楼板

5、cake mixes───制糕点用的现成混合配料;蛋糕粉

6、cement steels───表面硬化钢



9、cement steel───表面硬化钢



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