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不用担心英语(no worries中文翻译,no worries是什么意思,no worries发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

不用担心英语(no worries中文翻译,no worries是什么意思,no worries发音、用法及例句)

no worries

no worries发音

英:  美:

no worries中文意思翻译



(澳)别客气; (非正式,主澳)好; 行; 太好了

no worries双语使用场景

1、Anton: No worries. We ll soon knock your CV into shape.───别担心, 我们马上就能让你的简历初具雏形.

2、How carefree were those jaunts to the A & P . No worries.───去A&P的路途是那样的轻松,无忧无虑.

3、He's good - time Charlie , feeling no worries and anxieties.───他可是个乐天派, 整天无忧无虑的.

4、No worries there. We just have to close in with the camera and rotate it.───不用担心这里。我们只需将它拉近摄像机,并旋转就可以了。

5、He has no worries, only himself to provide for.───他无忧无虑, 只需要养活自己.

6、Tat: No worries… It’s not real.───答:别担心......这并不是真的。

7、No worries. We. As a matter of fact, what you are wearing is smart.───你不用担心. 我们很随便. 事实上, 你现在身上穿的就够漂亮的了.

8、No worries, just an incredible workout is all.───不用担心, 那只是训练.

9、Oh, cuttie, no worries.───噢,亲爱的,别担心。

10、Therefore, there are no worries about arched bridge collapsing when it is fully loaded with people.───因此, 不用担心在桥面上站满人而将它压塌.

11、Hanson : No worries Cindy , you're only just beginning!───Hanson:别担心, 那只是开始.

12、She has also no worries in her study, as she's clever pass all her modules.───她也无学业上的忧虑, 因为以她的资质,上学完全不在话下.

13、Timon: It means no worries for the rest of your days!───丁满: 意思是让你的余生不再烦恼!

14、Please read this testimony - No arms , No legs , No worries!───生来无四肢.成就神极大见证!

15、How carefree were those jaunts to A & P . No worries.───去a & p的路途是那样的轻松,无忧无虑.

no worries相似词语短语


2、to worrit───忧虑



5、motor lorries───卡车(等于motortruck)





No wor是什么意思?

"No wor" 是英文短语 "Now work" 的缩写,直译为“现在工作”。这个短语可能用于表示某个任务或工作的开始。然而,在实际语境中,这个短语可能有所不同。它可以表示现在开始工作、现在执行任务或立即采取行动的含义。根据上下文和语境,您可以更好地理解这个短语的具体含义。

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